Baggage fees.. Tightening the Screws

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I also believe unions should only be in the private sector, so that unions are never in a position to force the government to do something or else risk of strike of essential personnel like police, firemen, air-traffic controllers, and teachers. In this economy there are plenty of qualified unemployed people that would take the government jobs at low pay and without any bennies attached..

Wouldn't there be plenty of qualified unemployed people for those high paid union private sector jobs? I may be mistaken but I think the only non-union big airline is Delta, but they have typically paid union level wages or better. Regional pilots might step up for those jobs and there are your cheaper tickets. And I still think you are a rational moderate. (well maybe not a moderate drinker....:eyebrow: )
Apparently k ellis beats Europeans, getting 6 weeks off per year (42 days), which is why he has no problem taking days or weeks to drive to a destination. No wonder states are trying to cut back on public sector benefits. Why should government employees get 3x the number of vacation days as the average American working in the private sector.

If everyone who "works hard" should be able to afford air travel, where does it stop? Are we talking only domestic flights or should everyone be able to afford to fly to the Caribbean, Europe, Southeast Asia? Surely it isn't fair that people who work hard can't afford to fly in business class, or why not first class for that matter? Also, how many flights? If I had 6 weeks of vacation a year, I'd take 6 week-long dive trips, or more likely 4 week-long and 1 2-week-long trip a year. Should I be entitled to all those flights just because I work hard?

And why stop at flights? Why not luxury liveaboards for everyone who works hard, they shouldn't have to settle for the inconvenience of a Blackbeard's. Why not subsidized dive gear because we all know how the dive gear manufacturers charge way more than what they need to and are therefore "robbing" hard-working Americans.

I'm a liberal and therefore support certain entitlements: basic-needs support for the elderly and impoverished including housing subsidies, health-care assistance, and food stamps. I also believe working wages should be higher, whether forced by union contracts, or by higher minimum wage regulations. But subsidized air travel for the masses is going too far IMO.

:D Ok its apparent we disagree. LOL as for 42 days off per year well if you count in comp time it actually can go higher. If one in my position chose to work overtime we can take time and a half or paid vacation time. I dont want to turn this into a heated debate so I will leave it at we agree to disagree.
:D Ok its apparent we disagree. LOL as for 42 days off per year well if you count in comp time it actually can go higher. If one in my position chose to work overtime we can take time and a half or paid vacation time. I dont want to turn this into a heated debate so I will leave it at we agree to disagree.

I hear ya on the comp time! The rest, not so much, but i got your back on the comp time!
Wouldn't there be plenty of qualified unemployed people for those high paid union private sector jobs? I may be mistaken but I think the only non-union big airline is Delta, but they have typically paid union level wages or better. Regional pilots might step up for those jobs and there are your cheaper tickets. And I still think you are a rational moderate. (well maybe not a moderate drinker....:eyebrow: )
Definitely not a moderate drinker. The only time I like to be moderate is with politics. Life is too short to moderate anywhere else.

I'm conflicted re: airline employee unions. For flight attendants, probably OK. They're not compensated nearly enough to deal with the unruly passengers who think they're "entitled" to decent service. For the pilots, who most likely defected from the armed services where they received free training worth hundreds of thousands of dollars? Heck no. On the other hand, I'd rather have a happy and competent pilot flying the plane that I happen to be on. It's a tough call.

:D Ok its apparent we disagree. LOL as for 42 days off per year well if you count in comp time it actually can go higher. If one in my position chose to work overtime we can take time and a half or paid vacation time. I dont want to turn this into a heated debate so I will leave it at we agree to disagree.
That's OK. Teachers get 3 months off at a time, but I don't want to teach. Who knows what you do, maybe it's just as bad as teaching? Enjoy your 42+ days off at taxpayer expense while it lasts!
Who knows what you do, maybe it's just as bad as teaching? Enjoy your 42+ days off at taxpayer expense while it lasts!

LOL No I dont teach. I work in law enforcement. :) But as you say its not even a guarantee any more.
That's OK. Teachers get 3 months off at a time, but I don't want to teach. Who knows what you do, maybe it's just as bad as teaching? Enjoy your 42+ days off at taxpayer expense while it lasts!

Teaching is like being a prison guard, ya get locked in with them......
Teaching is like being a prison guard, ya get locked in with them......
Teachers have to be hands off, every year brings more and more lawsuits against teachers crossing the line. Prison guards, however... No need to be hands off if the only other non-criminal witness is another prison guard :)
As an ex-military, current government employee (with union representation) I can most assuredly say some of you fellers are full of sh**. (You can guess who is/isn't)
But hey, don't let me stop this thread hijack, it is getting to be a real laugh riot.
Is this the chat thread? :confused:
As an ex-military, current government employee (with union representation) I can most assuredly say some of you fellers are full of sh**. (You can guess who is/isn't)
But hey, don't let me stop this thread hijack, it is getting to be a real laugh riot.

Hey, thanks for the compliment. The full lp album will be available in the lobby with even more laughs!

We will be here all week with a matinee on Sunday. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

And we were on topic too. Either crushing unions or putting the gov in charge of airlines are the best answers we have so far to answer the high airline costs.......

Moss: Freshen up these drinks, will ya? :drunks:

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