NC Wreck Diver
Post the wife's pics.
I am happy to share my pony with anyone; I tell others on the boat that mine is always on and ready so if a need arises, just grab it without asking - I'll understand. We'll evaluate, ascend together, but it stays with me. That is my plan and my few actions in such cases; I have screwed up enough to need it myself a time or two, screwed up because of it, screwed up because I didn't have it, etc. Still working to become a safer diver.
I tell my buddies (or a new friend) the same thing. Just grab a reg. Don't signal me, or anything like that. I'll know if someone needs air as one of my four second stages is being used by an OOG diver. Then we go into surface mode. I try to calm him down, grab his BC and vent him, look straight into their eyes (so I can get a good read on the status of the diver), reassuring them that everything is OK. This 'sometimes' cools them out. Hence I say sometimes....If I can calm him down, we save gas for our surface. I've rarely seen OOG divers give me the 'out of air' signal when they are truely empty. Typically, they grab my primary. That's why my octo is on a necklace so I can grab it in a second. My slung 30 pony is only two seconds away.