Bad Day at the Spiegel

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That is the same reason my instructor told me and it really annoyed us when we (who are also eventually going for cave) were holding our stops horizontally, ascents and descents too when everyone else was just "standing" there - again another thread. I was only ribbing you about the comment though about flags/breeze and involuntary horizontal stops (just the phrase makes it sound undesirable to do for some reason). Actually I aim from the moment i jump out of the boat to the moment i get back in to be horizontal - I aim. :wink:

I have had similar problems with finding an adequate depth to do a stop on lines even off Broward, with 12 divers trying to do the same thing!!

I must get down there sometime soon again and practice some more - will post when i think of some time and money to do so!
Let me tell you, I'm not sure how fast that current was running exactly, but it was a b@@ch swimming against it. Like I said, I'm a strong swimmer, spend most of the time in the water and I was giving it what I had making absolutely no headway, if I slowed down I went backwards.
Thanks for all the suggestions on different sites and wrecks. I plan on finishing my AOW with my LDS (known him a while, did my OW with him) and I certainly trust him, he would not have let me attempt the dive if he didn't think i was ready plus he was also my designated buddy during the dive in order to keep an eye on me. Had I not missed the rope on the first entry I probably would have been able to go down fine with him. They did say below 90 feet the current was almost non existant.
Either way I will evaluate conditions a bit more carefully next time. I like to dive in order to relax and forget my troubles and enjoy the scenery not fight the forces of nature.
The only thing I would have done different was not gone at all.
Ain't diving fun? :D

I have also aborted dives on the Spiegel Grove. Like you, I was on a double dip charter. The current was so strong this day that the water was white from sand "blowing" up against the side of the ship and then being brought to the surface in the current. It took everything I had to pull myself down for the first dive.

The good thing was that I could shelter myself using the wreck once on it. The dive itself went okay. I did keep it short, knowing that I did not want to have to hang on the line during deco for very long during ascent.

I could not pull myself forward to the ascent/descent line for the second dive. I worked my way back to the boat ladder and got out . . . alive.

The Gulf Stream rules this part of the ocean.
I have gone to the Spiegel twice and both times the dive was cancelled by the DM because of current. It is depressing that this great dive (from what I hear) has to be sunk in such a miserable locale. All the war stories that we hear from that - just depressing......oh well just my opinion though.
Another thread in the accidents forum that is very similar
(for those of you who arent keeping up with all these new forums!! :wink: )

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