Backup if using wireless?

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This builds off a thread below. I'm currently diving an UWATEC Aladin Air Z Nitrox (Love the thing) I just decided to stop using my analog guages and was curious what others opinions are on this?

I've heard rumors that the wireles connection can be affected by strobes? Has anyone ever seen this happen?

Would love to hear any other coments on the UWATEC from a stability standpoint.


Not yet unfortunately. The reason I bought a hoseless AI was the blissful vision of dropping one hose. But alas, realty has spoiled the dream, at least for now. From what I have read failures are rare, but if they happen to you it might as well be 100% and possibly life threating, depending on circumstanes etc. etc. For peace of mind, I would recommend an analog spg and, if you can afford it, a redundant computer with similar, or better yet identical, format.
I have a Vytec with the wireless option. As far as "dropping a hose", I still use a backup SPG, but it's on a 24" hose clipped off to a waist D-ring DIR-style. I've done a few dives with the Vytec now, and apart from a sanity check at the beginning of the dive to make sure that they read the same, my SPG stays clipped off. With the short hose you don't even notice it during the dive.
Excellent idea about the 2 foot hose. I'm gonna go pick one up tonight. I have a Scuba Pro Knight Hawk so this should work perfect.

I've heard of some nasty failure modes of wireless AI units on boats which utilize radar.

I could see strobes, HIDs, or scooters also having negative effects.

I was diving last week with an instructor who had a Halcyon 18W HID - I didn't experience any problems with the AI functionality. But that's not to say it wouldn't cause problems for other makes of computers, or I had been holding the HID in the same hand as the wrist my computer is on.
A friend of mine has problems yet.

You could always just get one of these cheap scubapro spg's and clip it on somewhere as a backup. ScubaPro/Uwatech also made a cheaper digital SPG that only monitored air pressure as well - about the same size as the analog spg, but digital and more expensive.
I've used an A.I. Genesis Escort for four years and all the while I've been taking photos. I've never had a problem with strobe interference nor have I heard of any. Last April I was at the Brac for 9 days and in June at Turks and Caicos. I've noticed more and more divers with A.I. set up. I currently have only one hose - my primary is i t, the octo is on the B.C. (like AIR II ). My gauges are on a cable clipped to my B.C., I used to have all that garbage trailing all over the place but now its great, its steamlined. I wonder when they will come out with a HUD in the mask?

Dive Safe,
I use a Air Z Nitrox as well. My back-up is a Smart Com on a hose. The displays are very similar. The Smart Com is more conservative though even in the Level 0 bubble suppression mode. Maybe the Air Z is the back-up to the Smart Com because the SmartCom HAS died but never the Air Z. If I ever get rid of one computer it might just be the SmartCom. I really like the wrist mounted computer with AI. I also use a Knighthawk and found that the flat SmartCom "tucks" out of the way inside the cumberbund, very nice, very protected. If I actually get rid of it I may attach my Scubapro Mini VIP SPG console (very very tiny).

A buddy of mine tells me that I should just use the Air Z AI and have a good bottom timer (bezel on my watch) and surface immediately if the computer dies. I have to think about that one.

I may end up with a Vytec AI plus a Stinger. I just like the idea of having similar displays on both computers.

Mouth Breather
Tempting isn't it - simplfying/streamlining by trusting in your hoseless AI alone. However, the problem I have come to grips with is - what if your computer says you have 1000 psi or 10 minutes of air remaining when you only have 100/1 min. What a rude awaking when you run out of air at 60 feet. Just one of the horrors I dream about - and I guess why ponies are so popular.

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