First, to answer your question, yes any BC will work for a beginner. But it may or may not be what you want.
The best advice I can provide you is to rent first and make sure you know what you want. Don't take the recommendation from the internet without testing it in the water first. Renting allows you to try before you buy, so buy once and cry once. ONLY you can determine what is right for you! So, I suggest you find a LDS that rents BP/W and try it first, then decide what you like or dislike about each type you try. Then make a decision. There are some very good opinions here on SB, some feel very strongly about their personal decisions. But only you can determine what you want and like, remember it is not a competition, but rather a hobby to enjoy, so be sure you will enjoy what you buy! If you enjoy it you will dive more, and that is the objective!