Back kick

Back kick

  • I'm excellent

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • I'm good

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • I could do better

    Votes: 36 44.4%
  • I'm bad

    Votes: 25 30.9%

  • Total voters

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Most of the time, I can pull this off well enough to avoid the ascent line. There are even a few rare times, when I get going too fast. But every once and a while, my trim is off and every back kick I do, either seems to send me farther and farther ahead towards the magnetic ascent line and/or makes me feel as if my head is sinking lower and lower. This happens both in a BC with a single and BP/W with doubles. Anyone else experience this too?

Could I back kick out of a narrow silty passage in a wreck while working a reel without silting out the place? not yet.
do it easy:
Most of the time, I can pull this off well enough to avoid the ascent line. There are even a few rare times, when I get going too fast. But every once and a while, my trim is off and every back kick I do, either seems to send me farther and farther ahead towards the magnetic ascent line and/or makes me feel as if my head is sinking lower and lower. This happens both in a BC with a single and BP/W with doubles. Anyone else experience this too?.
do it easy:
Could I back kick out of a narrow silty passage in a wreck while working a reel without silting out the place? not yet.
There was this guy video taping us on the HMCS Saskatchewan...backkicking down the passage way, the whole time taping us. Made me sick just watching.
I suck big time. :(
My excuse: Took DIR-F only 2 weeks ago.
Yesterday was the first time that I was able to move a little bit backwards.
How good (or bad) are you in back kick?

I voted for could do better. I can back up the length of the swimming pool in a few minutes but it takes a fair amount of concentration. I haven't seen myself doing it but compared to some of the videos I've seen of people doing it I assume I look pretty sloppy.

I firmly believe that the trouble most people encounter doing a backkick is a result of poor boot choice. I had the vulcanized rubber boots on my Bare ATRHD And couldn't backup to save my life. I put on a wetsuit one day in a pool and amazingly, I could move backwards and quite well. Since then, I have chopped off my vulcanized boots and replaced them with DUI turbo soles. There have been many benefits of this change, but one of them is that I can now back kick in a drysuit, doubles, and a deco bottle. It all came down to ankle flexibility. My trim also improved or, more accurately, became much more effortless.

I believe rock boots also suffer from this difficulty, though it is not quite as pronounced.

So, the right boots, a little practice and I think anyone can do it.
I struggle. Now if you need me to go back and up at the same time, I'm all over it.

First back kick to slow is ok, but after that I'm going up fins first.

It's definitely on my to do list.

I felt I did fairly well for my backwards kick. Put it to use several times during OOA and while watching my team do valve drills. If I had to move more than 20-30 feet than I would be in trouble.

I am certainly not eager to think about doing it in a drysuit...

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