Hi again. I was off for a few days. I was on a new diving spot so didn't have time to practice a lot, but I still managed to "play". I tried most of the things and i can include some personal observations:
1. Trim is definitely a must. don't know whether is only with me but, a heavy-head is kind of easier to compensate than heavy-legs.
2. My legs were too straight. When I bend them in the knees it feels much differently. I can even feel the drag.
3. The pause really makes a difference! But if u don't have good trim, you can not pause, because u are always in a hurry for the next stroke.
4. twisting the ankles, so to have a bigger surface area with the fins looks like helped me. This is contrary to the explanation that the edge of the fin is needed. ?!
Ofcourse don't imagine i managed to do it

I just had a few lucky ones. No video to share, but there is a difference and for sure a path to follow in the next exercises

While we are on the topic, is there any "rule of the thumb" about weight placement? What i mean is that i.e. if you put the tank to high it makes your head heavy. If you put i lower - legs heavy. Same applies to the pockets. Whether you put more weights in the upper pocket or the lower. Its a never-ending game.
Thanks to all for the replies