Back inflate or wrap around BCD??

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Brian Robinson

Reaction score
Cape Coral Florida
# of dives
0 - 24
Which is the best? I am planning on trying out both before I purchase. Seems the back inflate would put you face-down when inflated at the surface.
No, it doesn't. I hate the squeeze of the jacket style.
Being a new diver, and having used both, it depends. LOL. I used an Oceanic wrap around for my pool dives and found it to be comfortable and supportive and easy to float on the surface. I then went to my LDS and he suggested, and I purchased, a Zeagle Stiletto back inflate. It is comfortable, supportive and easy to float on the surface. It does NOT put you face down on the surface and I have never felt that it had a tendency to do so. You do have weight pockets in the back of the BCD so if you find that you are having this problem, just put more weight there and less in the front pockets.

My personal preference is the back inflate. Like Marie said, there is not that "body squeeze" tightness around your belly. Sometimes I felt it (and I'm sure it was mostly my imagination) restricted breathing a little.
I find buoyancy much easier to control and I love the Zeagle brand (I don't work for them nor do I sell them).
There is no best. It's which do you prefer. I probably prefer back inflate, and out of the back inflate options, I prefer a Transpac and wing, but I have an aluminum backplate and Transplate that would be a very close second. From the wing side, the number of options is practically unlimited. Weight pockets, cam weights, utility pockets, d rings, etc. are all available to set up your rig exactly how you want it.

I dove a rented back inflate bcd early on and might have noticed a little issue on the surface, but I probably overinflated the bladder and did not have it long enough to play around with the weighting. Once you have it set up for you, there are no issues on the surface whatsoever. Also...I like to flip over on my back and float like an inner tube after a dive. Awesome.

Your best bet is to to beg, borrow, or rent several options and take them for a test dive. My wife prefers a jacket type for the "hug" it gives while diving. I prepare the "freedom" of a wing. The good news is we are both 100% correct.

Good luck.
The wrap around does work as a sort of life preserver on the surface.

I prefer the back inflate. I am a strong swimmer so the life preserver aspect is not a big deal for me. Also I find the jacket is a bit restrictive underwater when I take photos which just about always. The back inflate is also a bit more compact which is good if you travel with it. It is also easier to wash seawater out of the bladder on the back inflate.
The wrap around does work as a sort of life preserver on the surface.

I'm pretty sure every one of them comes with this is not a life-saving device printed in bold on page one of the manual. (You can, however, dive with a tank backpack and a horse collar BCD which is a life-saving device. :wink:
My professional recommendation is always pick what's safe and comfortable, as you're the one who has to use it. In that regard, try both, pick what you're comfortable in, and learn how to use it safely.

That said, if you were asking my personal opinion: back inflate every single time. I absolutely hate wrap-around jackets.

Also, if you're trying out both options, give a BP&W a try. Just so you can say you did.
I just went through this and after trying a Back Inflate, I was hooked. My trim was so much easier to get right in a back inflate. At the surface, I just lean back a bit and float. I probably tend to over inflate it at the surface, but leaning back a bit was easy to me.
From talking to others that were purchasing their first BCD locally, it seems most were making the decision based on they were comfortable in a jacket because they did all their classes in one and that is generally what you get when you rent one. I have a LDS that has their own pool, so I got to try one out in the pool before making my decision which helps a ton.
I prefer a BP/W (which is back inflate), just like one of my sons. Another of my sons is quite happy with a jacket BCD (AKA "poodle jacket").

de gustibus and all that. Rent some gear and find out what you prefer. BTW, the "forcing you face down" argument is either an urban legend, or stated by someone who hasn't dived a wing/back inflate BCD.

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