Dive Location: Redondo Beach - Veteran's Park
Time: 8:00 am
Bottom Time: 73 min.
Max Depth: 49 ft.
Vis: 15 - 20 ft.
Wave height: 1 - 2 ft.
Temp at depth: 63° below 20 feet, 61° below 35 feet
Surface Temp: 66°
Gas mix: Air (21%)
We broke up into 2 dive teams. Mo2vation, dazedone and myself formed one team and iggy23 and super opus formed the other. The two teams stayed together until the second team hit turn pressure, said goodbye and turned around.
We had two missions on this dive.
The first mission of the dive was to try a different approach to finding the pilings for Old Redondo Pier #3 after trying the lineups in Dale Scheckler's book a couple of weeks ago with no success.
We went in at the stairs at Vet's park and swam straight out to drop down in 49 ft. We swam back up to 40 feet and followed the 40-foot contour south until we hit our turn pressure. Then we went up to 35 feet and followed the 35-foot contour north until we hit our rock bottom. We swam east to shore for 4 minutes and surfaced just outside the amost non-existant surf zone in about 9 feet of water for an uneventful egress.
We never found the pilings although we are confident that we passed the jetty where the contour curves out in a more westerly direction.
We did see quite a few purple jellies, halibut, a few perch, an unidentified bait ball that cast such a shadow that we thought we were about to mistakenly go under the pier until seeing the fish, lots of hermit crabs (they probably have a more official name) and varied assortment of some of the usual characters.
Oh yeah, I did say there were
two missions didn't I?
The second mission was a bit of a science experiment with me playing the part of the lab rat! :mouse04:
Mo2vation, dazedone and I conducted our own little
real world dive experiment with my Dive Rite Rec Wing after removing the bungie and using it on a single AL 80.
I saw some pictures that dazedone took of the wing's appearance and I looked like a manta ray with that huge taco on my back.
On the other hand, I had absolutely no problem with air trapping in the wing and also did not experience a drop in my SAC rate. I just calculated my SAC for that "leisurely but not quite at rest" dive at about 0.46. However, I will put that bungie back on to minimize the surface area and drag as I go through the water, until I get a new more appropriately sized single tank wing someday in the future. The bungie also keeps me from having to reach quite so far back for my dump valve, although that really was no big deal.
At the end of the dive, I'm sure that Mo2vation was wondering what I was doing "crawling" around in the sand. I wanted to make sure that I was getting all of the air in the wing out and I was a little overweighted because I was wearing his 18W can light on this dive. So, I proceeded to root around like a pig searching for truffles at the bottom of the ocean. We never actually talked about this afterward and I don't think that Ken asked about it after the dive out of either kindness or pity, I'm not sure which. This was about when he thumbed the dive though. :11:
The next experiment will involve trying this wing with doubles. It's been quite a few years since I have been diving with doubles and I'm not sure how long it will be before I put another set together. This wing might be really good for a set of twin 72s for beach diving.
After the first dive people needed to get back to their other tasks for the day and super opus and I had a great time hanging out in the parking lot talking for a while before deciding to call it a day. As a chef attending a great cullinary institute here in the southland, maybe we'll actually have someone around who really knows how to cook at one of our Wrinkles Dive and BBQ events. Of course, just because he'll be around doesn't mean that he'll want to spend his days off doing more of the same!
I look forward to diving with everyone on both teams again soon!