Date:Aug 28 '05
Dive Location: Malaga Cove, Palos Verdes
Time: 0815
Bottom Time: 1'34" (Hey, that's almost a half-life for the PuffMo2 buddy-light!)
Max Depth: 27' feet of raving-guppy-deepness!
Vis: 8 - 12
Wave height: 1 foot mostly
Temp at depth: 59
Surface Temp: 67
Gas mix: Air (21%)
Comments: Splashed into Malaga cove this morning with Dive California Carlos and scubainspired Thomas. The cool morning air, toasty warm sunshine, and smooth surface were delights to the senses. The hazy brownish murk below sea level left a little to be desired...but, hey, that's shore diving sometimes. Once I settled into looking just as far as my light beam could reach, and started smiling at the visual cacophony of this over-stuffed habitat, I had a blast! Great teamwork kept us busy finding and sharing several sleeping octopus, juvenile garibaldi, garden-patches of "blooming" piddock clams, cucumbers (all types), bass (calico, sand, barred), zipping schools of senoritas, teenaged sheepheads, frilly-headed blennys, and a purple-speckled kelp fish hiding in purple-speckled kelp.
Peripheral motion snapped my head up at one see a shimmering lace curtain of young barracudas circling our heads. We were at 16fsw in golden hazy water, hovering above the sand as the surge swung us to-and-fro, and the 'cuda-filled water above us was turquoise blue against a silvery surface....mesmerizing. As each passed in front of the sun, glassy teeth glittered from the javelin-shaped snouts.
Award for visual technical excellence goes to: The resourceful 12"-long octopus I followed around as it prowled it's refrigerator-sized home rock, convincing the big bubble-blowing weirdfish that there was "...nothing to see here...just keep moving...nope, nobody here...." First we played peek-a-boo as I sank below the ledge and it raised just it's eyes on stalks to see me...shrinking them back down as I rose up bubbling....3 times, and 3 peeks. Then it slunk and slid down to the sandy floor. It matched the sand, including the black and white speckles of rock and shell. It blended into a black-rock shelf and accessorized with white spots to imitate the christmas tree worm coils. It wove itself into the purple kelp, changing its smooth mantle into frilly, bumpy fronds the exact color of the algae. It never inked, and kept its pearlescent eyes on me the whole time. Then, performance concluded, it slipped into a crevice, grabbed a few small rocks, and tucked itself cozily into bed.
Award for persistence in the face of irritating gear malfunction: Thomas, diving 59F water with the back of his wetsuit open due to a broken zipper. You looked like you had a blast in spite of the "ventilation". Rock on!
Award for sportsmanship: Thomas and Carlos for patiently enduring not one, but three OOA drills, including two with simultaneous dislodged mask. (It was a loooong, shallow dive...big brains crave excitement!) You responded like the champs you are...thanks! If it hits the fan, you could be there for me anytime.
Award for self-control: Carlos, who had dived here 24 hours earlier with 25 foot visibility, and never once said "Oh man, you should have been here yesterday".
94-minute Smooth-Cruise completed, we re-invented bipedal, weight-bearing, terrestial locomotion and legged it up the hill. We swaggered into the parking lot, reliving the chills and thrills of the watery depths...all 27 sweet-feet of it!
Thank you, Carlos and Thomas, for making it a great morning.
Guppies have the Most Fun!!!