Date: Aug 25, 2004
Dive Location: Topaz Jetty, Redondo Beach
Time: 7:45 p.m.
Bottom Time:67:20
Max Depth: 77 FSW
Vis: 5 feet above 51 FSW and 20 feet below that, and colder.
Wave height: 2-3 inches
Temp at depth: 61 Suunto degrees (sure felt colder)
Surface Temp: 72 Suunto degrees
Tide information: HIGH 6:02 p.m. 6.0 feet Low tide 11:35 a.m. 3.0 feet.
Andy and I met at 7:00 p.m. and suited up. We entered north of the jetty and swam out to the end, taking care to say out of range of the anglers on the jetty. Dropped down and the end of the jetty and swam on a heading of 300 degrees. Visibility was by brail and at best was 5 feet, and were talking about seeing the light here. Eventually we came across a line in the sand. A special thanks to who ever laid out the lines connecting the pier pilings. We were on course and followed it to the pier pilings. They were nice and all covered with pink. California Scorpion fish were in abundance. Also saw a lot of a strange snake like fish with whiskers that when approached buried itself tail first in the sand. From my book it appears these are Spotted Cusk-Ells. At the pilings I felt a firm tug on my body and noticed we were being carried down slope. It took some effort to not be taken into deeper waters at the piling where it dropped of sharply. In any event we left the pilings and went with the flow to 77 feet and tooled around for a bit. With 9 minutes of bottom time remaining we turned the dive at 77 FSW and headed back. Found the pier pilings again and continued on our course for the jetty. Ended the dive in 9 feet of water and had a great time.