AUG 04 Dive Reports, Please post if you dive.

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Wow, that is nice vis. I have not been down there since the spring. I think a trip is in order.


Great eel with shrimp shot by the way.

Wow, that is nice vis. I have not been down there since the spring. I think a trip is in order.


Great eel with shrimp shot by the way.


I'm in, the last time Sean and myself went we had 50-60ft of viz. The only reason I though we weren't in the Carribean was the the water temp.
Date: 8/18/04
Dive Location: Carpinteria Reef
Time: 9 - 3:30
Bottom Time: 6 Dives: 14 39 61 27 43 45 (min)
Max Depth: 28 ft
Vis: 5 ft.. maybe 10 ft at times
Wave height: 2 ft
Temp at depth: 61
Surface Temp: 64
Comments: Some barred sandbass, lots of perch, saw a sarcastic fringehead, few sculpins, harbor seals EVERYWHERE, must have been over a dozen near our boat. Got buzzed by a Cessna flying < 25 ft above the water, flew right behind the back of our boat.
Date: 08/20/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 7:33 am
Bottom Time: 17:40
Max Depth: 111 feet
Vis: 50+ feet
Wave height: 1 foot
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 63
Tide information: low tide
Comments: We were heading to the Secret Garden off the main lifeguard tower. We all kicked out and watched the guitarfish, leopard sharks, and sting rays swim beneath us. Vis was an amazing 50+ feet. We could see the bottom at our drop
point. We decended down and swam to the canyon. Our leader swam ahead of us
and the 3 others followed. 1 diver was having issues with equalizing and after getting
a nose bleed he aborted the dive. We realized he was missing minutes later and had no other choice but to surface and make sure he was ok (We didn’t know he surfaced). We were happy he was ok, and we kicked back into the beach remembering we had another tank in the car.

Date: 08/20/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 10:01 am
Bottom Time: 38:20
Max Depth: 111 feet
Vis: 50+ feet
Wave height: 1-1.5 foot
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 63
Tide information: low tide

Comments: Our 4th buddy decided to sit out the 2nd dive. The 3 of us kicked out and were delighted to see the guitarfish and leopard sharks swimming around. At 1 point we could see 5 leopard sharks swimming around. We also saw a sheep crab as we kicked out to our drop point (amazing vis.) We dropped down into 42 feet of water and decended into the canyon. Instead of decending further we swam along until our computers told us we were out of bottom time. We saw a Spanish shawl, a scorpionfish, 2 octopus, several fringeheads once we got to Fringehead City, tons of baby sheep crabs, 1 bat ray, 1 huge halibut, 1 horn shark, and more. This dive was very fun and exciting!! The vis was amazing. Went for lunch after with the whole group and had an excellent time! Love diving! Thanks to all my buddies! Had a great time!

shot 2 videos as well. You need divx codec to view. get it here: Bat Ray swimming California Halibut (big one)

Nice Sean ... love the pictures. I got the Bat Ray too, but the camera kept focusing on the dust particles in my lens ... gotta get it cleaned out.

Also note the new avatar :D :D :D

And thanks Jerome for getting us to the right area - we'll definitely have to head back.
Nice Sean ... love the pictures. I got the Bat Ray too, but the camera kept focusing on the dust particles in my lens ... gotta get it cleaned out.

Also note the new avatar :D :D :D

And thanks Jerome for getting us to the right area - we'll definitely have to head back.

cool avatar paul, just head to 270 degrees sw and 112' deep (the 1st dive) you'll hit the secret garden (rocky gorgonian patch).
it was a fun dive today and i had a great time.
Date: 08/21/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Time: 8:18am
Bottom Time: 62:00
Max Depth: 47 feet
Vis: 10-30 feet
Wave height: no waves
Temp at depth: 59 degrees
Surface Temp: 68 degrees
Tide information: low tide

Comments: Met Roy, Ryan, Jim and Anna at the cove. Coditions looked great. We kicked out ½ way to the Rockpile, and dropped down. Ryan pointed out a bat ray we swimming along. We also saw a Painted Greenling, juvenile, female and mature Sheephead, a few Island Kelpfish, Aggregating Anemones, many lobster, a few Black-eyed Gobies, a Turbot, and a beautiful juvenile golden Giant Kelpfish. The lobster trap was surprising to find. We swam back doing our safety stop along the way, surfacing 75 yards from the stairs.

Date: 08/21/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Time: 11:03am
Bottom Time: 73:00
Max Depth: 28 feet
Vis: 10-20 feet
Wave height: no waves
Temp at depth: 68 degrees
Surface Temp: 68 degrees
Tide information: close to high tide.

Comments: Anna and I needed fills, so Jim and Roy so generously went to OEX to get fills(Thanks Guys) Only Ryan, Ana and myself were in for the 2nd dive. This time we decided to head out to Alligator head and jump off the rocks since the tide was almost high. We had a very easy entry and kicked out to our drop down point. We immediately were diving dropping down to 25 feet navigating towards boomers. We quickly ran into 2 octopus we sited and happened upon. We saw the usual suspects and enjoyed every minute diving through the eel grass, rocky overhangs all the way over to the exit near the stairs. A nice way to spend a Saturday!


First things first. Kudos to Samsung. I flooded my new camera last month and they replaced it with a new one rather than having to wait for repairs. After testing the housing for leaks, I nervously took the camera to Marineland this morning. One minute into the dive, I spotted a few drops of water on the camera. I surfaced, then swam back to the beach while holding the camera above the surface. It helped having Lake Pacific action. I doffed my gear on the rocks and took the camera back up to my truck. The camera is fine, but the housing is going to Samsung on Monday. I went back down to the cove, donned my gear and kicked back out to the reef where I found the triggerfish last month. No such luck today. I did find a large octopus that was willing to come out of its den. He must have known I didn't have a camera.
The outer reefs are being overrun by purple urchins, but there was a small army of white urchins in the area to put an end to that. It amazes me that the small one inch white urchins are able to attack and eat the much larger purple ones.
60F at 45 feet, very comfortable. Ten feet vis on that side of the cove. Diver reports from the West point were at least 20 feet. JonD and his son Dylan were snorkelling over there and made it back up the hill, so I assume they had fun. :-) Another fun day underwater.
Date: 08/20/2004
Dive Location: Malaga Cove
Time: 5:15PM
Bottom Time: 45:00
Max Depth: 24 feet
Vis: 10-15 feet
Wave height: 1-2 feet
Tide information: between low & high tide

Went with my girlfriend, we did the rocky beach entry at the end of the trail, it wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't try it at low tide or close to low tide. Saw the unsual suspects, including a nice school of salema. Had a nice easy exit on the beach, and then a grueling climb back up the path.
Date: 08/21/2004
Dive Location: 24434 Malibu Road
Time: 12 noon
Bottom Time: 58:00
Max Depth: 28 feet
Vis: 8-10 feet
Wave height: 2 ft breaking at shore
Surface Temp: 66 degrees
Tide information: almost high tide

Went with my girlfriend again. Easy climb down, entry, easy exit. Had a nice calm backward swim to the kelp patch, and then went east. Vis was not great, but it was still worth diving. Saw 2 horn sharks, lots of nudibranchs, lots of sea hares with masses of eggs, the usual fish (includings lots of blacksmith, a school of large opaleyes), a large seal/sea lion, and a couple beautiful giant kelpfish. Overall a very nice dive.


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