Date: 08/20/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 7:33 am
Bottom Time: 17:40
Max Depth: 111 feet
Vis: 50+ feet
Wave height: 1 foot
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 63
Tide information: low tide
Comments: We were heading to the Secret Garden off the main lifeguard tower. We all kicked out and watched the guitarfish, leopard sharks, and sting rays swim beneath us. Vis was an amazing 50+ feet. We could see the bottom at our drop
point. We decended down and swam to the canyon. Our leader swam ahead of us
and the 3 others followed. 1 diver was having issues with equalizing and after getting
a nose bleed he aborted the dive. We realized he was missing minutes later and had no other choice but to surface and make sure he was ok (We didnt know he surfaced). We were happy he was ok, and we kicked back into the beach remembering we had another tank in the car.
Date: 08/20/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 10:01 am
Bottom Time: 38:20
Max Depth: 111 feet
Vis: 50+ feet
Wave height: 1-1.5 foot
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 63
Tide information: low tide
Comments: Our 4th buddy decided to sit out the 2nd dive. The 3 of us kicked out and were delighted to see the guitarfish and leopard sharks swimming around. At 1 point we could see 5 leopard sharks swimming around. We also saw a sheep crab as we kicked out to our drop point (amazing vis.) We dropped down into 42 feet of water and decended into the canyon. Instead of decending further we swam along until our computers told us we were out of bottom time. We saw a Spanish shawl, a scorpionfish, 2 octopus, several fringeheads once we got to Fringehead City, tons of baby sheep crabs, 1 bat ray, 1 huge halibut, 1 horn shark, and more. This dive was very fun and exciting!! The vis was amazing. Went for lunch after with the whole group and had an excellent time! Love diving! Thanks to all my buddies! Had a great time!
shot 2 videos as well. You need divx codec to view. get it here: Bat Ray swimming California Halibut (big one)