Date: 08/28/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores Vallecitos Point
Time: 7:28am
Bottom Time: 37:40
Max Depth: 78 feet
Vis: 15-25 feet
Wave height: no waves
Temp at depth: 57 degrees
End of Dive Temp: 64 degrees
Tide information: lower tide
Roy, John, Ryan, Cheryl, and myself met at the La Jolla Shores at 6:30am with 4 SeaDoo scooters we rented from 2 local dive shops. We all geared up and headed down to Vallecitos Street and entered the water. We scooted to the bouy, and realized 1 of our buddies wasnt with us. I headed back for him. His starter switch fell off, so his dive was over. We said farewells and discussed out dive plan. We decided to hit the canyon south of the point. We agreed that 60 feet would be our max depth. We scooted around the point enjoying the amazing sites of fish and topography. Towards the end of the dive the canyon dropped below 60 feet. We had to ride above the canyon then to ascend due to low air. We did our safety stop in open water, everyone waiting for the last one to finsh. We spilt up and rode into the shores near the surface, eventually riding more like a boat than a submarine.
Highlites: Schools of bass on the plateus, large groups of sheephead, small to large yellowtail swimming around. Small towns of gobies with tube-anenomies trees every few blocks.
Date: 08/28/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores Vallecitos Point
Time: 10:35 am
Bottom Time: 37:40
Max Depth: 101 feet
Vis: 15-25 feet
Wave height: no waves
Temp at depth: 55 degrees
End of Dive Temp: 70 degrees
Tide information: higher tide
We geared up again after our surface interval. The 4 of us kicked out without
scooters to the Vallecitos bouy. Remembering Terrys fringehead who lives in the bouy chain, I decided to take a peek. Instead of a fringehead I found a nice little octopus. Everyone took a look and we swam to the canyon. As we swam along the canyon, my buddy got lost for a few minutes. She found me again and we continued to check out the canyon ledge. We saw more large sheephead and a bat ray swimming on the point kicking up a huge plum of dust. We saw the usual critters. Some rockfish, shrimp, gobies, tube anenomies, fringeheads, White Spotted Porostome Nudibranch (I think), and more. We kicked in and surfaced at 8 feet in front of the lifeguard station.
Dive #3
Date: 08/28/2004
Dive Location: The Shores, straight out from lifeguard station and end of pier.
Time: 1:52 pm
Bottom Time: 37:40
Max Depth: 112 feet
Vis: 15-25 feet
Wave height: no waves
Temp at depth: 55 degrees
End of Dive Temp: 70 degrees
Tide information: higher tide
We kicked out for a while and arrived at our two coordinates. We took a breath and dropped down into 27 feet of water. We kicked west and found the edge of the canyon at about 40 feet. We swam down into the canyon, swimming along the edge to the left. We came across the rocky area with the Gorgonian and continued to swim south. We came across an amazing patch of red, orange and purple gorgonian that had a turbot in its midst. This area was full of life and was a stark contrast to the usual shores sandy bottom. We explored this area a while, and began heading up and came across a few horn sharks on the way. We came across a ridge with holes and explored with our lights. We came across a few Fringehead and an octopus and took a few pictures. We continued on and found a juvenile and adult halibut together. As we exited the canyon we found a juvenile pipefish. We did our safety stop and surfaced when we reached our minimum pressure.