Please let me know how it goes. Just to be clear, this compass will definitely deflect if it gets very close to ferrous metals- as will any magnetic compass. But the ordinary distances that it would be from a steel tanks you were wearing should not be a problem, at least if you are holding the compass where you can see it. The proximity to the metal is more of an issue than the amount of metal, so something like a knife or even a smaller object held close to the compass could create errors.
So if the Junkyard is indeed what it sounds like, I wonder...
Ha! The Junkyard isn't littered with ferrous debris, as the name might imply, at least not in the section that we hold classes in. However, I can't rule out the possibility of a giant iron UFO lurking under the sand...
As for the compass issue - after a fresh calibration, I took the Cobalt out and ran a U-pattern search. Not only was the compass accurate and tracking beautifully, but I was reminded of how much I LOVE that "bearing marker" feature (brilliant)!
I'll be sure to let ya know if the issue occurs again.
Perhaps the 10" axis shift from Japan's Tsunami had something to do with it ;-)
24 dives and still loving the Cobalt!