The goal of my experiment is to test real-world usage. The navy experiment flushed the suits six times before immersion; not a likely real-world scenario. Maybe once is more like it. My plan is to allow water pressure to empty as much air as possible before immersion, then replace with auto-fill from my argon cylinder. Maybe will flush once with the argon. Undecided so far.
TSandM: I agree that it would be great to have a core temperature reading. If you know of an inexpensive instrument that has a digital or analog output, I'll consider it. I've read dozens of posts where people make general statements such as "may," "might," etc. I want to gather some decent scientific data that will start to answer questions from a real-world, joe-diver, perspective. Such as, "how much does skin temperature decrease during a dive to xx ft. for xx minutes using argon." And, "how much does skin temperature decrease during a dive to xx ft. for xx minutes using air." I'll monitor water temp/depth/duration with my dive computer. If there is no difference, we've learned. If there is a difference, we've also learned.
All suggestions welcome (though I reserve the right to wholly ignore!) Thanks.