Are you Lucky?

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I remember a quote I read.

"Chance favors the well prepared"

You can easily replace chance with luck!
If I told you some about some of the things that have happened and are still happening to me you would agree. I have been carrying a heavy load. Some things I'm not responsible for. Some things are just the luck of the draw in combination with bad genetics.

Oddly enough, I'm still cheerful optomistic about the future.
Major things that are good = Blessed

Little things that are good = Lucky

Major things that are bad = Cursed

Little things that are bad = Bad luck (unlucky)
That's my interpretation. Although, I don't feel cursed by anything.
The few bad things that have happened to me, my divorce, and being a very poor single Mom, all turned out for the better.

Not only did those things humble me, I think they made me understand what are the most important things in my life. They also helped me to appreciate and help people that are going through what I went through.
Maybe it's all attitude.

I've always thought I was lucky. And I really am lucky. When good things happen it's luck. When bad things happen I just figure that's part of life. I've had some unbelievable hard times. In the end I was lucky to have survived and lucky to have learned so much.
One of my favorite all time quotes, I think Thomas Jefferson - "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more of it I have."

Another favorite "Luck favors the prepared mind. "

Or as my old boss used to say - P5 (P to the fifth power)- proper preparation prevents potential problems.

I don't believe in 'luck'. A good work ethic & positive mental attitude have me sitting here working on tomorrows presentation at 11:00 pm, going over financial statements for one of my companies, leaving messages for clients at midnight instead of out watching Monday night football or B-ball & drinking w/ my friends.

When I close the deals, put on a flawless (I hope!!) presentation, select some stocks that perform well, take that really nice vacation (that I planned & saved for), my friends & family will call me lucky...
Your flawless presentation is not luck. It is the product of your dedication to hard work. You will have earned it & it shouldn't be deminished by being called luck.

Now, when you get out of your car at the office & find $100 bill on the ground...that is luck.
Kat gets it.

Here's my latest day of luck!
I am coming into Chicago in a few weeks to see Simon and Garfunkel.
I will also go to Wrigley for T shirts and excitment. And It just so happens I'm lucky enough, that the Bears will be in town that exact weekend, so I will go to the game and see the new statium with my 19 year old.
Now that's lucky!
Natasha once bubbled...
Do you consider yourself lucky?

Dont know if you can say I'm lucky but things always seem to have a way of working out for the best for me...
Natasha once bubbled...
I'm reading 'The Luck Factor" by Richard Wiseman right now.
Interesting book.
Do you consider yourself lucky?
What have you won?
Are you lucky in your relationship?
Are you lucky at work?
Do you feel lucky you're a diver?

the only luck I have is bad luck

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