Are you Lucky?

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Chicagoan living in Texas
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I'm a Fish!
I'm reading 'The Luck Factor" by Richard Wiseman right now.
Interesting book.
Do you consider yourself lucky?
What have you won?
Are you lucky in your relationship?
Are you lucky at work?
Do you feel lucky you're a diver?
I don't believe in LUCK. I believe in good planning and follow through. I can't say that I've never won things, as I do from time to time, but not much. I don't play the lottery, keno or bingo more than once every couple years... Nope, don't believe in luck. In my experience, planning, hard work, preparation and the like will look to outsiders like LUCK. Bringing my 26' sailboat into the dock in Alpena a couple years ago in steep 7' seas and 40 knot winds, the kid at the dock said I was lucky to make it in. LUCK had nothing to do with it. I trained and planned and worked very hard in difficult conditions to bring my boat, myself and my wife to a safe harbor.

Just my $.02.... a good question tho'
If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all!!

Just kidding

Good luck to you all:rolleyes:
I am a firm believer that we make our own luck. I have met and I have known people that have had the same capabilities that I have had and turned their opportunities into nothing. They say they are unlucky. I say, hockey. It takes work to get what you want out of life.

I do believe that I am extremely blessed. I have wonderful children and a beautiful and loving wife who is my partner in life. I have been blessed with enough smarts to get the education that has allowed me to have a a carreer in a field that pays well. This income allows me to do the fun things in life thay many people do not have the opportunity to experience. However, getting these things had nothing to do with luck. I worked hard to get where I am. I also worked hard at my relationship with my wife and I worked hard at trying to make my children good people.
Heck yeah, totally! :yes: I have a great house of my very own and a great job at which I am very successful, and a great family and great friends and even a great cat. :D
I have my health and relative mental stability, :out: No drug or alcohol addictions, no communicable diseases, or even any zits at the moment. I get to travel pretty much whenever I want, and can go pretty much wherever I want. My parents were married for 61 years. I know that we make our own luck, but we all start out with a foundation. Some of us have it a lot easier than others.

Yes, for sure, I am lucky a thousand times over.
Luck is such a funny thing.

I believe that I have been given certain ...we'll call them gifts. Some gifts are talents and some are people and/or things.

I have said that I am 'lucky' to have met and to be with my SO. He's a wonderful man.

I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to become a diver. I am lucky that conditions are good on a given day to be able to go out and dive.

As for work...that a hard 'luck' story I won't go into! LOL ;)

Laurel- The Frog Queen
any event has a certain percent probability of occuring

0% - chance that gravity will stop working

100% - chance gravity will keep working

our interpretation of a desirable low probability event as lucky is the human desire to feel special

to define one's self as lucky is to misunderstand probabilities
mofosaurus once bubbled...
any event has a certain percent probability of occuring

0% - chance that gravity will stop working

100% - chance gravity will keep working
What if you forget to pay the gravity bill? What happens to those probabilities then?

SueMermaid once bubbled...

What if you forget to pay the gravity bill? What happens to those probabilities then?


Or what if there is a Gravity Storm!!!!

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