Are you a vegetarian?

Are you a vegetarian?

  • Fish in the sea, not on a plate. Cow's in a field, not in a burger. I'm a veggie/vegan

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Don't eat meat but eat fish

    Votes: 15 6.7%
  • I eat the insides of an animal to please my palate

    Votes: 161 72.2%
  • Best place for fish is at the end of my speargun

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Don't eat fish but eat meat

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters

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Now - if you want to tell me you only eat eggs from "organic" free-range chickens who are humanely "farmed" - then why not eat the chickens themselves, who are also kept in such conditions?

These are the only types of eggs I do eat, as a matter of fact. Why don't I eat the chickens? It's a long story, but now it basically comes down to just not liking the taste, especially the nasty aftertaste I remember chicken meat leaving behind. You don't get that with veggie chicken.
I knew someone would say that about survival - but I'm talking about evolution.
To evolve your species, you have to survive at least as long as it takes you to successfully reproduce.
it basically comes down to just not liking the taste, especially the nasty aftertaste I remember chicken meat leaving behind.
Ah ah. So it's not animal rights, it's not a matter of health issues - it's simply a matter of taste. Same reason why I don't eat a lot of stuff :)
Somebody mentioned Russian beef. Yeah, I know, I could go back and re-read the thread to find out who, but I don't want to. :D

Russian beef is not palatable to most Westerners because they have never developed the taste. You have to build up with some easier to chew/digest items first, and eventually, if you are persistent, you'll make it all the way up to Russian beef. I would suggest going to a thrift store and buying a few belts. boiling them for about 2 hours and then chewing them up. Next try some old shoes. When you can get through and entire pair of leather work boots (including the soles) you are well on your way to being able to enjoy (or at least consume) a Russian steak. :wink:

There is a reason for all this. (I spent 7 years doing mission work in Siberia/Far-East Russia.) Russians don't waste feed on fattening up beef cattle. They raise dairy. Most of the meat that you'll find in the market is Old Bessie or Elsie the milk cow that either died of old age, or was slaughtered when she stopped producing. Hence the meat is old before it is even butchered!

When calving, the bull calves are castrated and made into dairy beef for the farmer. He doesn't want to eat Old Bessie either, he eats the more tender calves! He'll sell Bessie at the market.

Now you know the rest of the story! (sorry couldn't resist!) :D
Ah ah. So it's not animal rights, it's not a matter of health issues - it's simply a matter of taste. Same reason why I don't eat a lot of stuff :)

It started off as a health thing 15 years ago when the big thing for muscle building was to cut red meat out of the diet. I did that because I was going to the gym 6-7 days a week for 2-3 hours a day. Living in Arizona where fish was below mediocre at best meant no fish. Eventually, I cut back on the pork and chicken due to taste. The health thing evolved to an animal rights thing and cut out all meat, which I wasn't eating much of to begin with by that time. It was a psychological thing at that time. That part is still there somewhat, but really, after over 12 years of being meat free, I honestly don't think my body could handle it. Meat leaves an after taste that you don't get with the vegetarian options available (just don't come near me after I eat an onion) It also takes the average human digestive system 2 hours to process a lb of roughage. It takes the same digestive system 2 days to digest a lb of beef. I can say I feel a lot better not eating meat.
Im about as anti-vegetarian as you can get. Meat or fish for every meal. HATE salads and veg.

That said i detest spear fishing and glad its not legal here (on scuba at least).

So what you're saying is that you only eat fish that were terminally ill or committed suicide? Or do you just prefer fish that were caught with nets and longlines that indiscriminately catch and kill anything in their vicinity, including the reefs in the case of many net designs?
So what you're saying is that you only eat fish that were terminally ill or committed suicide? Or do you just prefer fish that were caught with nets and longlines that indiscriminately catch and kill anything in their vicinity, including the reefs in the case of many net designs?

Very good point. People against spearfishing who eat fish? Well, I guess there is the argument for aquaculture but you'll get the greenies screaming about that too.
I went through the "save the fish for diving" spell not long after I started scuba, then I came back to my senses. Now I only eat fish that me or my buddy speared or caught.
The older I get the less I want meat. I eat chicken a couple times a week, meat maybe once. Fish two or three times. But I eat eggs (whites), drink milk and whey protein shakes for amino acids.
Lots of vegetable juice. Carrot, celery, cucumber, tomato....cocktails of it in big glasses.
To evolve your species, you have to survive at least as long as it takes you to successfully reproduce.

I never said survival isn't tough - just that everyone measures that in different ways.

Again, it's semantics; and I'm not arguing against your point.

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