Are there any dive shops in or around Cairo?

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My brother-in-law just moved to Cairo this summer and will be there for a couple of years.
He wants to start scuba lessons and has emailed me with a TON of questions. I want to know if anyone knows of dive shops that are around the area or any websites that someone can direct me to for shops.


I'm sure you probably have got your answer by now - but just in case you didn't there are at least two shops I know of in Maadi - Maadi Divers and Seascapes they are listed on the Padi dive site

the diving here is great - the shops do the book classes and then head off to the red Sea for the open water sessions Your BIL is very lucky!!! :dazzler1:
As far as I know there are quite good shops in Alexandria - this city has a diving tradition and most of the Egyptian military divers are there. I wouldn't trust shops in Cairo. Anyway advise your brother - in - law to take a bus (something like 5 hours drive) and go to Hurghada or to Sharm (Sharm is better by plane - Egyptian Air - the state owned airlines - have a regular flights between Cairo and Sharm.
I envy him, anyway...

Thot of have a try in the Med med dit ditarian Sea since I'm already all the way there. But also heard that the water there is not as dive condition as Red Sea. Maybe, I was influence by the article of finding the Cleopetra Palace.
Is Alexandria Diving just as good?
Love to know this...

hi sudtzu,

i'll be in egypt for 2 weeks, but only have one free day in cairo (when there's nothing planned). do you know if it's possible to do a day trip to dive in the red sea from cairo? if so, what dive shop?

thanks! m

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