Are there any dive shops in or around Cairo?

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Richmond, Ky
My brother-in-law just moved to Cairo this summer and will be there for a couple of years.
He wants to start scuba lessons and has emailed me with a TON of questions. I want to know if anyone knows of dive shops that are around the area or any websites that someone can direct me to for shops.

Well, wouldn't recommend diving in the Nile in Cairo, especially when so close to world class diving in the Red Sea... Tell him to get on a bus / plane to Sharm el Sheikh or Dahab - more dive shops there than he could possibly ask for.
Thanks! I figured he'd have to do his open-water in the Red Sea. Just didn't know if there would happen to be any dive shops in Cairo.
As far as I know there are quite good shops in Alexandria - this city has a diving tradition and most of the Egyptian military divers are there. I wouldn't trust shops in Cairo. Anyway advise your brother - in - law to take a bus (something like 5 hours drive) and go to Hurghada or to Sharm (Sharm is better by plane - Egyptian Air - the state owned airlines - have a regular flights between Cairo and Sharm.
I envy him, anyway...
Anyway advise your brother - in - law to take a bus (something like 5 hours drive) and go to Hurghada or to Sharm (Sharm is better by plane - Egyptian Air - the state owned airlines - have a regular flights between Cairo and Sharm.

Hurghada is aproximately 8 hours by bus from Cairo. I can't imagine going to Sharm from Cairo by bus.
Thanks for the info...I'll let him know.
Monkseal, it's about 8 hours from Cairo to Sharm by bus. Not that hard to imagine, really.

I traveled two times from Hurghada to Cairo by bus and it took us 8 hours (with only one 15 min stop). Not that I'm complaining but it was something I forgot how it looked like. When I was younger the buses were worse and slower but it was long time ago. I thought that Cairo-Sharm is longer distance.
My brother-in-law just moved to Cairo this summer and will be there for a couple of years.
He wants to start scuba lessons and has emailed me with a TON of questions. I want to know if anyone knows of dive shops that are around the area or any websites that someone can direct me to for shops.

Most of the dive shops I know about in Cairo are in the Maadi area. I live near Cairo and drive to Dahab to dive on the weekends so I have to agree with recommending he go to Sharm or Dahab to get certified and dive.

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