I've used an Atomic Z2 (my wife's "octo") for my Rescue class and it seems to breathe great. The one caveat I found though, and it happened with a B2 as well, is that when being "rescued" and the rescuer has their hand over the front of the 2nd sage bringing you to the surface, the valve gets extremely hard to open to take a breath. You have to breath in really hard to pop it open. Tried it on the surface as well and had the same issue. So anytime you (or someone else) has a hand over the purge, it's extremely hard to breathe and I could see this potentially causing a slight panic situation during a dive if you're not expecting it.
I really like my Hog D3 first stage, though. I love the swivel feature and have no complaints about how it breathes. But I also don't run a typical 2nd stage since I dive a FFM about 98% of the time.
I really like my Hog D3 first stage, though. I love the swivel feature and have no complaints about how it breathes. But I also don't run a typical 2nd stage since I dive a FFM about 98% of the time.