Are Americans Mad?

Are MAericans Mad?

  • YES! Americans are mad.

    Votes: 87 68.0%
  • NO! Americans are not mad.

    Votes: 29 22.7%
  • I can't say as I am too diplomatic

    Votes: 12 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Larry: I'd definitely like to do a lobster dive with you guys sometime. That's one thing I have been wanting to do. Lived in Fla. my whole life and never got a bug. Same invite to you if you're in the Tampa area.

NEwrecks: I'll look for that PM. Orlando is about a 2 hour drive from my dock, and very easy to make. I've got a 34' foot boat (2001 Venture 34 w/ twin 250 Yams), so I usually try to put together at least two dive teams. We have a lot of fun, and I dive with guys who are good to be around.

As far as advertising lawyers, I would say the ones with huge advertising expenses are mills. I have met with people who want to hire me because they went to the tv lawyer two years earlier and sill have not met or talked with their lawyer (or any lawyer, for that matter). The firm sends a runner out to get the person signed-up, and then tries to settle the case after the client is done treating.
My friend is working in St. Louis and he was in a bar and a woman herd him speaking and said "gee you speak good English, where you from?"........"err England" he said..."really what language do they speak there?"

Then another person asked him where he was from......."England"......."Oh really, we are going there a place called Spain"

Then I got an email doing the rounds, called the Stella Awards after the woman who sued McDonalds for the buring coffee:

An American gentle bought a wineebago (SP?) and put it in cruise control, left the whell to make a coffee (how stupid can you get?) when it crashed, he sued because it didn't say in the manual that you van wouldn't drive itself when in cruise control, he won several million and a new van.

I don't know, it sounds to me like coffee is the key to these issues. Stella got burned on coffee, the idiot with the Winnebago crashed it trying to make coffee and, as we all know, Mickey D's serves coffee as part of its high fat breakfasts. Why, you can even buy coffee to wash down your Big Mac.

I think that this is a vast coffee growers conspiracy. As a matter of fact, the more coffee I drink, the more I become convinced that I am right. As soon as I stop shaking, I think that I will sue Juan Valdez and the entire nation of Columbia for joint and several liability under a theory of intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

After all, I have coffee as I make my long commute to my sedentary job, so it must be the coffee grower's fault that I don't have everything that I want in my life (a nice set of doubles to start). see earlier posts.

Anyone wanna make it a class action?
Yeah, lets sue the b*stards. Free doubles, rebreathers or whatever tickles your fancy, for all.

We need to hire Johnny Cochrane
Rosie, you people in the UK are sooo funny.

First, what's mad about a mayoral goat, beer and a missing testicle--even if you can use it in the same sentance? Seems perfectly Texan to me and I'm from Florida!

Second, no disrespect intended, but we Americans have our share of idiotic tabloid rags but from what gets reported here it seems that the population in the UK is really hooked on them. If you believe what you read in those, we need another definition of mad.

We are also getting "secret broadcasts" of Greatest Police Chases on TV and while the US chases are faster and seem to create more mahem, watching cars back up against the flow of traffic on one of your major highways was really mad. Then there is the matter of your use of "roundabouts", traffic circles here. They are certainly quaint and interesting to watch but they certainly seem to contribute to some "mad" driving behaviors there. I suppose you didn't happen to notice that everyone was going around in the "wrong" direction...huh?! Your "drunks" seem to be much more polite than here.

Have a good one.

Larry Stein

What? What'd I do...I'm not lecturing the Brits. I know nothing about their teeth or lack thereof--or is that Arkansas.

Clive, Here in Miami, Florida, USA, when I walk into anywhere, I don't know which language they speak and more often than not, I am not addressed in English, which I though was the "official" language. Don't forget that us Floridian Americans managed to completely foul up a completely fouled up voting system. Did you happen to hear the story about President Bush--he was speaking to a French official and happened to mention, "Did you know the French language has no word for deja vu?"

Americans can really come up with some strange (mis)statements about the rest of the world. Americans truely seem clueless about the rest of the world--it embarrasses me. Did you ever notice how you can spot the American by the strange outfits they wear? On the otherhand, European travelers here seem to wear "hiking" sandals and safari shorts everywhere.

Northeastwrecks, don't want to leave you out. I believe you're right about the coffee being the culprit. It would not surprise me in the least to find out that the accountants for Enron and WorldCom were working at their computers and drinking coffee at the same time. The coffee was from McDonalds and was too hot so they spit it onto their keyboards and the keys began to stick creating extra zeros in the math. It gives new meaning to "Cooking the books". Coffee, the scourge of all mankind and womanhood. Ah! The birth of another urban legend.

We're All MAD!!!

Larry Stein

If this crazy weather clears, this saturday should good for "bugs". I just hope the mini-season crowd didn't mess everything up. We managed to have two deaths this year down here. These guys don't dive for 363 days, then drive to the keys, booze it up for 2 days, put on their unserviced scuba gear and do a lobster refresher just to catch 12 lobster each for the two days. If the diving doesn't get them, then the Florida Highway Patrol does--usually finding "a few" more lobster than the bag limit and another few shorts hidden someplace special--like the police don't know where to look.

I wish they would put an end to the mini-season. This crowd messes up the coral on the bottom, aim their boats toward any boat flying a dive flag and then curse you out for taking "their lobster".


Larry Stein
I heard about the one death, where the guy was evidently low on air, and then I heard he had a heart attack. It was all second hand stuff. How did the other one die, if you know.

I'll be diving a wreck in 85' in the Gulf this weekend. It's called the Sheridan, off of St. Pete.

Have a good one.

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