Do I detect a cause? Would the Austin Swampers be interested in working together to preserve this little gem?
I would...........
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Do I detect a cause? Would the Austin Swampers be interested in working together to preserve this little gem?
showers are nice, but I think I still need to look for something to keep me warm UNDER the water!
... Probably the people who truly care about it the most are right here on this board ....
If some two bit neighboorhood association can stop a Walmart, then the Texas Swamp Divers can certainly have a voice in what happens to the Springs.
Not sure what you're getting at? I'm not seriously suggesting draining the lake....
Some of the most profound words I've ever heard go something like this..."People protect what they love, and they love that which they understand."
My point is this: I'm concerned about some long-term societal impacts that the proposed changes would make on spring lake. The intent of the changes is to return the lake to a more natural condition, and it appears that moving the existing buildings would favor that intent. However, it could quite easily backfire. If the Center and the attached programs (Dive for Science being one of them) must be moved away from the lake, I surmise that the effectiveness of programs and educational efforts would suffer. I find it hard to believe that there will be many patrons that would go to a facility ABOUT Spring lake that is not NEAR the lake. Subsequently, support would dwindle and that would threaten all efforts to maintain and protect the springs as well as the valuable freshwater education program provided there to thousands of people who visit. While I heartily support the removal of extraneous man-made artifacts (the rides, theater, etc...), I fear that moving the educational facilities from the site will ultimately harm the support structure necessary to provide for the spring's future protection and maintenance.
Not sure what you're getting at? I'm not seriously suggesting draining the lake....
If you are talking about the Walmart on Anderson I'm pretty sure that it's still a go...and that "two bit" neighborhood association worked their butts off and put their money where their mouths were to get the concessions they did get. I live in that "two bit" neighborhood.