Apo reef: is it worth the trouble/ expense?

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Montreal, Canada
# of dives
100 - 199
Guy and gals, since I'm going to be in PG for a while, I was wondering if you all think it would be worth it for me to try to get to APO reef for a few days of diving? Is it worth the time/ expense to get there? Wether going through the dive OP on Padan, or through a liveaboard, it seems kind of expensive...:shakehead: I was thinking maybe 2 days of diving could be cool. And who knows if I will ever be in the vicinity again...
What do you all think?

Worth it? Or spend my time elsewhere... Either staying in Sabang, or taking a flight and making it to Bohol or Donsol (for the whalesharks)...

Too many places to see and dive!!! Now I know why you all hate the Philippines so much!!!:rofl3:

Thanks Eh? (the "EH" was thrown in there purely for your entertainment) :rofl3::rofl3: (that was thrown in purely for Maggies entertainment...:D)
Get yourself some surface time and take a "diving" break. Ethei will work you hard enough in the water. Go to Corregidor. Learn a little about the history of the Philippines.
Larry (aka Thehammerhead) said in previous threads he enjoyed his experience diving apo reef compared to the stuff he has seen during his Tubbataha liveaboard. you can PM him for details. as you have enough time, you might as well try it. you also don't need to fly there, too.

:rofl3::rofl3: (that was thrown in purely for Maggies entertainment...:D)

up yours, too! :blinking:
Get yourself some surface time and take a "diving" break. Ethei will work you hard enough in the water. Go to Corregidor. Learn a little about the history of the Philippines.

That's a good idea too BabyD!:coffee: To be perfectly honnest with you, I really have absolutely no idea just how much work/ how busy Ethei is going to keep me.:D That's why my daydreaming congers up all kinds of things to do while over there. The reality of it all will probably start hitting home when I land in Manila on the 9th of Feb.:D:D Then, I'll play it by ear I guess and see how it goes. Who knows? He might just work me into the ground... To the point where I won't want to dive any more... :rofl3::rofl3:

In the meantime, I'm stuck here in the snow and can't help my mind wandering and dreaming about this cool adventure (and I mean that as much about the trip to the Philippines as the diving)... :eyebrow:

@Rhadamantus. I'm sorry Maggie! I really shouldn't be teasing someone I don't even know!:no I guess it's from reading all the posts here, many of which are yours, that I almost feel I know many of the PPDers. And obviously, this is far from true!!!:coffee: Ah but Y'all are such a great gang of internet Forumers...;)
Get yourself some surface time and take a "diving" break. Ethei will work you hard enough in the water. Go to Corregidor. Learn a little about the history of the Philippines.

Or go visit Taal volcano and ride the horses (little ponies) to the top of the cone on the island.
@Rhadamantus. I'm sorry Maggie! I really shouldn't be teasing someone I don't even know!:no I guess it's from reading all the posts here, many of which are yours, that I almost feel I know many of the PPDers. And obviously, this is far from true!!!:coffee: Ah but Y'all are such a great gang of internet Forumers...;)

awwwww......come on :hugs: few more posts and you'll realize that you shouldn't have apologize! :D
Guy and gals, since I'm going to be in PG for a while, I was wondering if you all think it would be worth it for me to try to get to APO reef for a few days of diving? Is it worth the time/ expense to get there? Wether going through the dive OP on Padan, or through a liveaboard, it seems kind of expensive...:shakehead: I was thinking maybe 2 days of diving could be cool. And who knows if I will ever be in the vicinity again...
What do you all think?

Worth it? )

I haven't been yet but plan on going in Oct. I know a few friends who've been both to Tubattaha/Bastera/J Beazely and Apo and they say it's similar but Apo has more marine life. ?? I went to Tuba in 95 and have heard that JB and Bastera have been dynamited since, but that Apo is well guarded.
What liveaboards go there and what's the price? I'm planning on taking a bangka either from a dive shop a friend owns or renting a large fishing bangka for a week. It's a bit rough but you get used to it. When the boat pulls up over the crystal water and reef...the boat could be a garbage scow but as long as it has tanks, water and a cooking stove...who cares? :D

the rest try to sell you on the idea that a point and shoot with internal flash is all you need...


Or that there's going to be a dive resort worth going to on Panay sometime in the next few years ;)

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