I have several sets of regs, in refference to the ones you are discussing i have
Apex TX 200
Apex TX 50
Atomic B1/T1
Posiedon Jetstream
Apex TX200 work great down to 400 feet
Apex TX 50 I use for a deco reg down to 100 feet good working unit
Atomic B1/T1 Works the best above 330 feet, below that you tend to get a CO2 buildup, above that they are the best breathing reg of the bunch
My Posiedons are set with a high intermediate pressure and work great down to 400 feet. in water shallower than 100 I don't like them.
If all my dive where above 300 feet I would use the Atomics, they breath so nicely, as for cost, or reputation, I don't really care I try to get the best reg for the dive it will be used for. As for servicing, I service them about four times a year. it is a small price to pay