Anyone live near or around Hollywood FL??

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Was your question about diving only, or did you want to know more about the area in general, i.e., cost of living, traffic, and other day-to-day, non-diving related issues?
Just moved down here myself (Pembroke Pines, west of Hollywood) and I'm really enjoying being able to dive every week-end (except for last - outer ear infection...). I've been using a 5 mil with attached hood and I'm just toasty. Water temperatures have been in the mid-seventies, air temperature somewhere around there too, and it has not rained in a while. The wrecks are really fun to dive, there is plenty of fish to look at and tons of training opportunities with all the dive shops.
Love it here, not just for the diving! Hollywood is a great little town.
Now with that said.... Are you looking for a place to buy? Our house in Hollywood is going up for sale in the next couple months - hint, hint!
Was your question about diving only, or did you want to know more about the area in general, i.e., cost of living, traffic, and other day-to-day, non-diving related issues?
Just moved down here myself (Pembroke Pines, west of Hollywood) and I'm really enjoying being able to dive every week-end (except for last - outer ear infection...). I've been using a 5 mil with attached hood and I'm just toasty. Water temperatures have been in the mid-seventies, air temperature somewhere around there too, and it has not rained in a while. The wrecks are really fun to dive, there is plenty of fish to look at and tons of training opportunities with all the dive shops.

I would love to know more about the area i.e. traffic, cost of living, activites etc..
As to housing we already have a house we're looking at pretty hard but might be open to others.

Does it rain a lot in Hollywood?? I know this is an off the subject question but what kind of sharks are there bull???
OK. On the positive side I definitely place diving, sunshine and proximity to the Ocean, palm trees, multiculturalism, cosmopolitan cultures and dynamism of the area (not just Hollywood, but the south-east Florida/Miami area).
On to the negatives (coming from Colorado): traffic, traffic, traffic. Not just congestion, but jerks everywhere zig-zagging acros lanes, it's not just the kids with the stereo blaring gangsta rap, it's everybody, they all have a cell phone glued to their ear and are the worst, most inconsiderate drivers I've ever shared a road with (and I used to ride a bike in Colorado, so believe me I know plenty about drivers' attitudes).
Cost of living: if you've already got a house lined up then you probably already know this: you can get a lot less house for a lot more money than in Oklahoma down here, and that's not even going into homeowners' insurance premiums.
Crime: you've got be very aware of your surroundings, as there is quite a bit of crime in such a big metropolitan area. A drive through some of Hollywood's less affluent neighborhoods can be an eye opener with a lot of homeless and bars on windows. It can be rough.
People in general: don't seem very friendly. Or maybe we just haven't shopped at the right stores or had lunch at the right restaurant. It seems as there are so many people you're just kind of lost in the shuffle as a customer. Tend to put a lot of importance on what they drive as a status symbol: lots of Mercedes and Porsches aroud. I don't mind, I like nice cars. It just seems vain to me, but in Colorado a status symbol car is a rusted out Subaru (which btw I happen to own one).
Anyway it is a bit of a culture shock for us but we knew it would be different than Colorado. Once in the water or on the dive boat though, all the hassles of getting to the coast, feeding the meter and dealing with jerks on the road are quickly forgotten.
Hey you jerk lighten up!!!!

Kidding. REally. Sorry, plongeursousmarin.
Yes, it's congested and the traffic is a pain and the price of homes are outlandish. But its the price to live in paradise.
I am looking out the window of the office and see blue skies and almost no wind. Probably good at the beach.
If buying, be ready for not being able to get insurance, and the taxes.
Neighborhoods vary from one street to the next. Very odd.
The beach, you have to deal with the tourists and inland the soccer moms. Take your pick.
Are you guys trying to discourage me because you're doing a really good job?? If we make the move it will mainly be due to me. Here's how I'm breaking it down

Pro's to staying in Oklahoma: Lowest Priced Housing Market in US, abundant jobs, friendly & helpful people (love that about OK), cheap insurance, a lot of family is here

Con's to staying in Oklahoma: No beach (Big reason I want to leave), It gets cold in the winter, windy, not too many activites, don't want to do the born here die here thing, We're pretty young so when we have kids they wouldn't have to make a huge transition

BTW, what's the coldest it gets there?? Does it rain a lot?? As you can tell we're still in the research part.

In short, we really want to make sure we have all the facts and make the right decision.

I appreciate you guys helping me out with all this info, keep it coming.
There is a cold front moving in tonight and tomorrow. Highs Sat. predicted to be mid 60's, slightly higher near the coast. Sat night into the 40's, and high 30's well inland. I understand it did snow back in '76 but only lasted a couple hours and it was way inland.
Summer is HOT n HUMID. However for those that scuba dive, we are blessed with 85° water temps. We try to make a habit of doing evening dives. Ya know, get outa work and go dive. Sweet.
There will be major culture shock. Keeping an open mind makes things a lot easier. Doesn't mean that you approve if what you see, it simply means you have better things to do than get all upset over somebodies lifestyle. A couple years later, you will find that the heat kinda mellows you out.
I can't believe this cold front that's allegedly rolling in - temps down in the 30's??? This is insane. Plus there's 30-knot north winds forecast for the weekend - 8-foot seas??? Oklahoma is sounding better and better all the time...

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