Hey all...
Wish I could join you all this Saturday... but I am diving La Jolla SHores in SD... if the waves don't build too high, anyway LOL
I hope some of you can make it on Feb 3rd to dive at Lobos Rocks (or, at the rate the storms keep coming, it will likely be more local and more novice level). A couple of SB'ers are going on the Cypress Sea. We are hoping for Lobos Rocks, but may only make it to Carmel/Monterey, depending on conditions... see this thread , fi interested in more info... http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=173530
Hopefully the conditions will improve up there... I miss Monterey diving!
Wish I could join you all this Saturday... but I am diving La Jolla SHores in SD... if the waves don't build too high, anyway LOL
I hope some of you can make it on Feb 3rd to dive at Lobos Rocks (or, at the rate the storms keep coming, it will likely be more local and more novice level). A couple of SB'ers are going on the Cypress Sea. We are hoping for Lobos Rocks, but may only make it to Carmel/Monterey, depending on conditions... see this thread , fi interested in more info... http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=173530
Hopefully the conditions will improve up there... I miss Monterey diving!