Anyone have Dish Network?

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Scuba Instructor
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Biloxi, MS
I'm thinking of dropping my cable service and going with Dish Network satellite. They have a couple of package offers that sound pretty good in their advertising; but researching them on the internet I've found a lot of complaints. I know that those that are unhappy with something are going to voice their opinion, while those that are happy are just going to sit back and enjoy it; so I don't want to base my decision just on those complaining. Does anyone here have Dish and if so, what do you think of it as far as service, reception, billing, etc?
My parents have Dish network. As far a picture quality and sound is concerned it is as good as cable or DirecTV (which I have). I don't like that they have 2 dishes in their yard. One for HD TV and the other for the non-HD tvs in the house. Dish's receivers are pretty sweet, one receiver can provide signal to TWO TVs through RF frequency. And NO you don't have to be watching the same channel. Their customer service is kind of hit and miss. Sometimes you get a good rep and sometimes you don't. They DO lose signal whenever a moderate to heavy rain storm rolls through. I myself would not get Dish network as there are other finer details in the way their quide layout is done that I personally don't like etc... But I guess they are happy with them, cause I never hear them complaining about Dish.
My daughter and her husband have Dish. The only complaint seems to be the loss of signal during bad weather. Here in Tennessee we are very tornado prone and you lose the ability to get warnings via the TV.
I don't like that they have 2 dishes in their yard. One for HD TV and the other for the non-HD tvs in the house.

My father has DISH and has HD Tv's and non-HD TV's and has only one dish mounted. His satellite boxes just have HDMI (digital) or RCA/RF (analog) outputs on them so you can plug in HD or non HD sets. works fine.

so I guess they've got different options in the equipment that they offer or stock in different locations.

Dish's receivers are pretty sweet, one receiver can provide signal to TWO TVs through RF frequency.

He's got that also. I don't think his provide the signal via RF though. I think he had to have his wall required for the cable coax, which I thought was pretty stupid, because it meant he has to re-wire them again if he changes service. and not everyone can access their walls from above or below to rewire.

Previously before DISH he had cable as where they lived they wouldn't let him put up a DISH. Before that he had Direct TV and was happy with it. The reason he didn't go with DirectTV this time was that the install guy was supposed to show up at a set time and never showed. This was rescheduled for the next 5 days, with 5 more "no show's".

so he got frustrated, like anyone would, and canceled the install and went to with DISH.

But I think that was due to the local independent franchise or contract installers. so I see that as more of a problem of the people they hire/contract to do the work. The same thing could have happened with DISH.
My son works for Direct TV and my daughter-in-law and their friend worked for Dish Network. Based on their input during my recent visit with them, they found a lot of fault with Dish Network and felt the company was in significant trouble. Their preference was for Direct TV.

I realize that this is hearsay. I have no experience with either company as I decided to abandon TV altogether back in January of this year.
My son works for Direct TV and my daughter-in-law and their friend worked for Dish Network. Based on their input during my recent visit with them, they found a lot of fault with Dish Network and felt the company was in significant trouble. Their preference was for Direct TV.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the companies merge at some point... just like Sirus and XM Radio did.
I've had dish tv for many years maybe as long as 10 years, no less than 6 years for sure.
Signal loss during severe weather seems more common now then when I 1st got it. The service is very good. English is clearly spoken by the people that answer the phone. There may be an accent now and then but they are understandable. As a bonus they actually solve the problem! A friend of mine has direct tv and he is happy with it. The look of the apps are different but the functions are similar. I dropped my cable because their service sucks and the rates kept going up or the programing changed so I got less for the same rate. Since the cable co is a monopoly the only choice I had was sat tv. I've never looked back. I use the cable co for my internet access their service has improved but I like my sat tv. Don't forget to get the DVR awesome feature!

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