Dark water sucks. Actually, any water you can’t clearly see in sucks.
My least favorite dive on earth is 18 feet deep in a nearby inland lake. The water is green, you can’t see anything, and they have sunk things for diver entertainment. You know, boats, equipment, things like that.
The problem is the water is just bright green and you can’t see through it until this dark, foreboding… thing…slowly resolves itself slowly in front of you. It is the absolute creepiest, most intimidating feeling of doom, and I have it for every single object every single time when I dive in that lake. The things in the bottom of the lake are bad enough, but when the objects are tall enough to be noticeably over your head… That is way worse.
I dive caves. I dive 200 foot deep shipwrecks. And I hate that lake the most.
So, yeah. Never feel bad about feeling uncomfortable. We may not all have the same trigger, but we all have that feeling.
ETA: oh, by the way, I’m diving there next weekend.

It’s not nearly as bad when there’s ice on top of the lake: all the algae dies back and you can actually see things. I’m actually looking forward to it.