Anyone dive Dutch Springs recently?

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Dutch is open we have been actively diving there once a month. Some guys may be going next week. Contact village divers and ask for Mick. Drysuits are available.
I was there saturday Feb 17th. Aside from our group (4) there were 3 other diver there.
It was my first time diving in water which was that cold (I showed 37 on my bottom timer, 38 on my computer). Four of us went. I was wearing my spanking new drysuit with 300 underwear (fleece) and a vest, and we were all in doubles. When one of my buddies got into the water his glove popped off and he also got some water in is suite (I think) so he called the dive. I would have done the same thing. Then somebody else's reg was freeflowing and he eventually got a new reg.
I had some trouble getting down, even with a completely empty BC so now I'm wondering what is going to happen in salt water with empty tanks... do I need weights???
We swam around a bit at 50-60 feet or so, very good viz and I saw one fish. My trim was more uneven than in the pool (but I don't think it was too horrible, just that there were times when I lost it) and I suspect it is because of the underwear. Towards the end we went to a platform where a buddy handed me his o2 stage. I was trying to be clever and at the moment he handed me the stage I hit my BC inflator for a quick squirt, which then got stuck open. At the same time my bungeed reg started to freeflow. I shot up to surface (not realizing what was going on). Once I got there I tried to disconnect the LP hose but I could not get it loose. my buddy popped up and after a bit so he managed to disconnect it after he turned off my air.
Back on land my right hand was freezing, and as it turned out there probably were some pinhole leaks, but aside from my right hand I was warm. All in all it was a very good experience and now I have some very specific things to work on (disconnect quickly with one hand, simulate freeflow, invert, use dump valve) aside from just trying to get better.
I also have to get the sleeve on my suit shortened because they come half way down my hand which impairs dexterity and puts more tension on the seal. From my buddies glove incident I learned to move the bottomtimer/'puter higher up my arm to, again, give the glove seal some more freedom.
All good stuff in other words..
I was there Sun and brought 4 divers with me. I'm not sure how many divers the other group had. Nice dive out to the junkyard, one computer read 36 deg and the other 39. Old chinese saying: Man who wear 2 watch never truly know what time it is.
I found my fleece drysuit underwear trapped a lot of air. Normally I dive with no weight in the warmer months. When I drain my double hp 120's. I tended to get slightly light.

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