Anyone dive Dutch Springs recently?

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Wait until Saturday afternoon, I will post an actual temp!
See ya there. Going up with some dry suit students from my LDS. It's not the water temp that concerns me -- it's the damn air temp between dives that has my attention! If it's anything like this morning's temps, brrrrr.
Dutch Springs in January :11: Not a chance! Especially after I just got back from diving Nassau :D ....oh yeah and going to Roatan in May :D :D I'm trying to forget that April diving in NJ is the equivalent of Ice diving :ice:
See ya there. Going up with some dry suit students from my LDS. It's not the water temp that concerns me -- it's the damn air temp between dives that has my attention! If it's anything like this morning's temps, brrrrr.
Yeah good point. The water is warmer then the air temp. Atleast the bathrooms/showers are heated...
Water temps ranged from 38-42 degrees today, but as soon as we got out of the water everything froze up! It was hard getting back in but the second dive, wet, was actually a bit better! Maybe we were still numb and didn't realize any different. The shower rooms really weren't that warm, just enough to keep the pipes from freezin'. Two real good dives today though.
Sunday the 21st 07. Same water temps, but much better surface intervals. Not as much wind. Fingers are just now defrosting though!
I was there Saturday as well. We hit 43 degrees (water temp) on our dives and a helluva lot colder than that out of the water. The shower rooms were a welcome respite from the cold, but it was a little disconcerting gearing up for the second dive when you see icicles on your dive gear. Not sure what it says about the number of people who were at Dutch on Saturday -- didn't know there were that many people out there as nuts as I am. Still, it was great to get underwater again.
I was at Dutch on saturday as well. I too was surprised at the number of people who were as crazy as us. I was helping with a dry suit course for three students and they had a blast. I had a water temp of 43 as well so the water was cool but okay the air is another story. It marks the first time I dropped down to dive and it was snowing. If you are interested in a dry suit course drop me a line and maybe we can set up for Febuary, I am sure I will be there.
PM me for diving in Feb. 2007.


for the latest information.

And, I get a little tired of those who derate us for divng in cold water. I have fun! I am also have the required equipment to enjoy diving year round (Hear me Walter?)
Can't do the Feb Dutch weekend cause we will be in Vermont with some other WV'ers doin the ICE thingee.

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