Sadly I can't make it in the next few weeks but do have a question?
Has anyone here dove both before? Obviously the inshore site is a little shallower and takes less time to get to so is there a chance that it's been picked over and decrease my chances of finding artifacts?
I’ve only done this type of dives with Aquatic Safaris - their trip consists of one ledge that I believe is 20ish miles offshore, then they move the boat during the surface interval to a different ledge closer in. Not a fan really of the second ledge stop they make, never found much there. Got a nice 4.25” tooth at the further out one.
The charter I wanted to use from what I understand goes further out, and lets you do all three dives at the same spot so you can leave your reel out there and just do your surface interval then come back to pick up where you left off.