Hey all,
A bad fill put some water in two of my AL 80's a while ago. One I caught right away, the other I kinda just put off because it was a pain to deal with and I was really busy. Anyway, I got the first one rolled a week or two after noticing it was direct, but I needed to use the other one (it was still under pressure) so I just let it sit for a month or two and then air dried it for a while.
To some of you, this may seem stupid, and indeed, I'm starting to think that was the case, but in my defense, the guy that did the other one's tumbling said it'd be fine and wouldn't hurt it any, so I figured he'd know, right? So, I let the water in the one that's still dirty air dry and all that, and the tank's got this weird bacterial film looking thing in the bottom. I can try to get a pic if anyone wants one. I took it to the local hydro place for a tumble (not where I took the first one. That guy's way far out of my way and I was going to the hydro place anyway and the guy who cleaned the last one said he was just gonna hit it with blue gold and tumble it.)
Now the guy at the hydro place is real nice (and good at customer service) and offered to tumble it on a trial basis since I was getting three other tanks hydro'ed. If it didn't work, no charge on the tumble. Welp, come to find out, the tumble didn't work. It looks about the same as it did before, same filmy look. So, what do I do now? I could go to the other guy, but I suspect he won't be so open to only getting paid if it works (and like, nor should he, necessarily, but also, I don't wanna spend $30 when I don't think it will work).
Should I try getting it O2 cleaned? or should I just say screw it, if rolling with abrasion media in it didn't loosen anything, it probably won't hurt me? Or, third option, there's another guy that an older diver I know gets his fills from who does some sort of tank cleaning, I could see if he has any new ideas.
So, yeah, thoughts? I bought this tank brand new, a year ago, and I'm pissed that it's mucked up, but I got fills from several people, so idk who's responsible and I'm not willing to go around accusing fill guys without knowing who did it.
A bad fill put some water in two of my AL 80's a while ago. One I caught right away, the other I kinda just put off because it was a pain to deal with and I was really busy. Anyway, I got the first one rolled a week or two after noticing it was direct, but I needed to use the other one (it was still under pressure) so I just let it sit for a month or two and then air dried it for a while.
To some of you, this may seem stupid, and indeed, I'm starting to think that was the case, but in my defense, the guy that did the other one's tumbling said it'd be fine and wouldn't hurt it any, so I figured he'd know, right? So, I let the water in the one that's still dirty air dry and all that, and the tank's got this weird bacterial film looking thing in the bottom. I can try to get a pic if anyone wants one. I took it to the local hydro place for a tumble (not where I took the first one. That guy's way far out of my way and I was going to the hydro place anyway and the guy who cleaned the last one said he was just gonna hit it with blue gold and tumble it.)
Now the guy at the hydro place is real nice (and good at customer service) and offered to tumble it on a trial basis since I was getting three other tanks hydro'ed. If it didn't work, no charge on the tumble. Welp, come to find out, the tumble didn't work. It looks about the same as it did before, same filmy look. So, what do I do now? I could go to the other guy, but I suspect he won't be so open to only getting paid if it works (and like, nor should he, necessarily, but also, I don't wanna spend $30 when I don't think it will work).
Should I try getting it O2 cleaned? or should I just say screw it, if rolling with abrasion media in it didn't loosen anything, it probably won't hurt me? Or, third option, there's another guy that an older diver I know gets his fills from who does some sort of tank cleaning, I could see if he has any new ideas.
So, yeah, thoughts? I bought this tank brand new, a year ago, and I'm pissed that it's mucked up, but I got fills from several people, so idk who's responsible and I'm not willing to go around accusing fill guys without knowing who did it.