USCG flyer:Thanks for the information folks! The following has nothing to do with any of you guys...
I took a trip to one of the shops. Spent several hundred on a BP/W, HID light and some other crap. Unfortunately for me, they didn't have all the parts I needed for the BP/W, so I was supposed to go back today. Called a few times, as my time in Houston is somewhat limited since I'm here working. The parts I'm assumming didn't come, but at least they could have returned a phone call. The stuff I bought was packaged so I wasn't as careful as I should have been, and there are a few things missing besides what I'm waiting for. I was sold a "Halcyon" harness, knowing nothing about the product (my own fault since I didn't research) I bought it. After looking at it online today, the harness I got doesn't look anything like what it should look like, and a phone call to Halcyon confirmed it...not genuine. The wing I bought was missing the LPI hose. I'm still waiting for my STA and Cam bands. The gentleman in the shop was nice enough, spent time with me and made me a good deal, but I have that "bad feeling" creeping in. I'm hoping I didn't do something I'll regret.
I sorry to see you walked into a spider's web. Please post the name of this shop
to help keep any others from falling victim.