Sasquatch:I've just gotta ask, out of ignorance I guess, why complaining to the police doesn't lead to stake out/sting action to deter the crime?
If police are not effective then city council, attorney general, state police, congressman and then senator should be notified.
This sounds like such a reasonable solution, I had to stop for a bit and think about why we just kind of sit back and accept the situation for what it is.
The police are very aware of the situation at Electric Beach. Part of the problem (IMO) is that the ice problem (or epidemic, depending on who you talk to) is very widespread in Hawaii - especially on the west side, where Electric beach is. The west side is also spread out (and as far as Hawaii standards) kind of rural.
There are other crimes that are also common (not just on the west side, though) - car theft, home burglary - that more likely than not are commited by ice heads.
To keep the area clear would require almost constant police presence - or at least some type of patrol. Maybe it's an issue with not enough police manpower for such a large area.
Also, Electric Beach itself is not really an important area for tourists. It's probably not even on the average tourist's radar. Tourism is our state's No. 1 money maker - so any city/state efforts are going to be focused on where the tourists are likely to go. Locals are pretty much the only visitors to Electric Beach, and I guess the cops figure we all know what the potential hazards are.