SDI texts are getting better with each revision. As they grow you may see more color images instead of black and white, but in reality I see them continuing to promote online courses.material quality i heard SDI got nice material , PAdi got shortcuts and SSI old material
your opinion is much appreciated as you have experience with more than one agency
here in thailand they won't say the truth as the prompt one side more than the other
What do you mean PADI has shortcuts in their materials or are you claiming something else?
Back to materials. They have quality materials, they are a publishing company after all. You may pay more in fees but they have more options on how a student receives their materials.
SSI has some new materials that are pretty good. I was given their tech course manual to read and it's well done. SSI like others are pushing more online materials from what I have seen and been told.
I would consider what your future plans are and where you intend to teach before choosing an agency.
You want to travel and see the world while teaching?
Work independently or through a shop and stay in your current location?