I was told Bonine was better than Triptone for divers. So, I take the Bonine and it works fine. If I know conditions might be rough, I will take one the night before, then the morning of the dive. I have noticed however taking the two will knock me out after the dive.
PeroneFord, some of us don't mind taking newbies out. If asked with honesty, we can make that decision to say yes or no when buddying up. I really get peeved when somebody claims they have x dives, and have dived x deep, and used x air, then find out they stretched the truth just a little bit too much- after I have buddied with them. Those folks, besides lying to me, are the same ones that if you try to give advice or helpful hints totally ignore ya.
Case in point. I beach dive here quite regularly, and have been diving these beaches for over 10 years, (yet am open to new ideas and strategies). So a newbie beach diver shows up and needs a buddy. I end up being your buddy. If after talking to you, I were to tell you that you need to add 2# for the conditions, and you decide that you have enough weight, and I again ask you to add 2# and you don't, what are the chances that you may be too light? I see this all the time. Often if you don't add the weight, I will bring along an extra 2# just to hand off to you during the dive. What is the problem here? You want to dive with somebody with experience, but when they tell you to do X, you just ignore them? AARRGGGHHHH (not you personally Perone, you haven't peeved me yet

Another time my dive buddies and I discuss our dive plan. Neither buddy has dived this particular dive before. I have dived this spot many, many, many times in a wide range of conditions. The plan was to swim past the first reef, go over sand for about 4 minutes then hit the second reef. We get out over the sand, the vis isn't great, buddy #1 surfaces, looks how far we are away from shore, panics and heads back to shore like a freight train, leaving myself and buddy #2 to sort things out. His response? He thought conditions would change and didn't want to get caught that far out, besides he knew I could take care of myself. !!!!!WHAT????!!!! He is scared of changing conditions (blue sky, gentle breeze, decent conditions) yet is willing to leave me and buddy #2 to fend for ourselves????
Moral of story? Be honest with yourself and your buddy on your experience. And LISTEN TO THOSE THAT KNOW MORE.