Am I the only fat diver on earth?

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I'm very new to diving - I still have to complete my Open Water next month - but this size issue has almost prevented me from getting this far! My first scuba class last summer included the most humiliating sports experience for me, with two of my scuba classmates exhausting themselves trying to help me pull a normal wetsuit around my wide frame. After 30 excruiating minutes, I got zipped up and ready to enter the water. As soon as I put my face in, I jumped up, wheezing, totally unable to breathe. I had to be assisted to shore and the wetsuit hastily unzipped. I turned around and went home, sobbing, completely convinced I would never be a diver.

My diver husband convinced me to buy a 3mm hyperstretch suit which was like night and day. I can put that on in seconds by myself. They're more expensive, but so worth it. I took a class again last month at a different dealer and I just can't wait to do my open water at the Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, NM,

So the upshot is that Fat Chicks can dive too! I'm joining you soon, girls!
i am so glad you didn't give up! way to go
Most of the people with attractive bodies here in SoCal are NOT as the result of surgical enhancement, it is the result of a combination of a healthy, active lifestyle incuding working out with weights, aerobic workouts and healthy eating habits.

Almost everywhere you go in the U.S. you find people working out, joining healthy nutritional programs, and purchasing dietary supplements to enhance their metabolism and lean body mass, so to suggest that most people in So Cal eat healthy, live an active lifestyle and work out is to suggest that no other city in the U.S. is aware of the need of a healthy lifestyle. That's a fallacy. On the other hand, just a brief search on the AMA's website reveals a greater number of plastic surgeons in the Los Angeles area over the Miami area. Demographics alone suggests that the quantity of pretty and athletic bodies, that come as a result of artificial means, IS greater in So Cal than in So FL. If you wish to factor in the socioeconomic difference, it becomes even clearer.
So the upshot is that Fat Chicks can dive too! I'm joining you soon, girls![/QUOTE]

Good for you! Being a BBD (Big Beautiful Diver), one of the first things I did was get my own BCD and a custom wet suit from LiquidFit. My "fluffliness" can't be hiden, but I have equipment that I KNOW fits me!

Since receiving my OW Instructor, I have found that other prospective divers who don't fit the bikini model image have come to be for their certification. During conversations with the student divers, some have told me that they were embarassed and humilitated by other instructors and shop owners who tried to make BCs and wetsuits work for them. One student relayed a story about an instructor make loud jokes about the amount of weight "it would take". HOW SAD!

I'm REALLY proud of you for following your dream and getting your cert...and Im sure your husband is too! Check out LadyCute's web page, there are plenty of us BBDs out here. Hopefully, I will be able to make one of her trips!
In any case, IMHO, most women who wear bikinis on the beach have no business in them.

I dont really agree to that statement. IMHO people should wear whatever they feel comfortable in regardless of there size. If someone wants to wear a bikini and flaunt there beauty more power to them. I dont feel size should restrict your fashion choices. Power to the women who feel comfortable in there skin to show it all off. Comfort and self-esteem is whats beautiful not size.

Tabitha R
Don't worry about using men's equipment and/or wesuits if they feel good to you. I have to use a men's BC to get around my bust. At first it was very humiliating to ask the dive shop for extendend sizes and men's equipment. I thought to myself: You got into diving for you - not anyone else. From that time forward I did not care what people might have been thinking when I asked for a men's wetsuit (I am tall as well).

Smile and enjoy!!
Being comfortable in the water is the biggest factor to enjoying diving..

-- Wear equipment that fits... If that means a mens size or a custom suit.. so be it..
-- Be physically fit. No matter your size.. weight training and cardio will increase your strength & stamina.. reducing your stress while diving..
-- If you are uncomfortable with your weight... modestly increase the amount you exercise.. and modestly decrease your calories.. avoid white sugar.. white flour.. trans-fats and highly processed foods..
It's so frustrating too, to end up wearing men's wetsuits where the arms are too long and I have to roll them up like some kind of orphan diver.

I didn't read through all the replies, so someone else might have already mentioned this.

Instead of rolling up the sleeves, couldn't you have the suit altered to better fit you?

I am really tall (6'9") so off the shelf wet suits just don't fit right, especially in terms of arm and leg length. I sent the suit back to the manufacturer and they removed the existing wrist and ankle panels and replaced them with 3" longer pieces. Now the arms and legs fit a lot better (still not perfect, but useable).

Seems like they should be able to remove the panels and add shorter ones. Worth checking into as well. The nice thing is that the suit is still under warranty. Also, check with LDS, people of all shapes and sizes dive, so there are tons of options out there.

I just returned from the hair salon (gettin' those roots fixed) and while I was under the dryer, reading a magazine, I came across an article about this gal who, as a size 14, while posing in a bikini, asked the question, "Do you think I'm Fat or Sexy?" (Can't remember the name of the mag).

Anyway, the results of the 'survey':

55% answered yes to Fat, followed by the comment: "Maybe fat is a bit harsh, but after reading the quote, then looking at her picture, my first response was 'yes'"

66% answered yes to Sexy, followed by the comment: "I love that she loves hersefl. Beauty is more than a set of measurements--it's the whole package."

Additional comments in the article regarding the Sexy attitude that hit home for me:
"She's sexy because she has the guts to show herself in a way most women won't. Her confidence gives me confidence!" and "She's sexy because she's the size of today's woman. She's not willing to conform to the little-boy shape. She makes me proud to be a woman."

I'm going to put these on my bathroom mirror!

I'm a big girl and a big diver and I think I'm sexy! Now all I need is to find myself a big handsome diver to swim next to me! (That always makes me feel petite :07: )


PS...I just jotted these down while under the dryer...I can go back and steal the mag if anyone is interested in the whole article! :11:
Neither me or my wife are what is normally considered small, but until the dive manufactures realize that, I have to tell you about a company called aquaflite(also the name of the website They make wetsuits, and if need be and for a little more they make them custom fit. We just got ours a month or two ago, and to be honest I thought wetsuits were supposed to cut off circulation. These fit Superbly, they are perfect, and the quality and price are unbeatable!! Not to mention the very professional, friendly and knowledgeable gentlemen I spoke with. You should check it out.

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