" Am I Qualified?"

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Orange Beach AL.
1) How do you convince a Dive Operator (Boat or Shop) that You are Qualified to do a certain Dive?
2) What do you say is equivalent to AOW? (as how many dives and how deep)

Feel free to add to this.
1. show them a logbook and describe the challenging dives you've done in the past, along with recent dives, that have prepared you to do the dive in question

2. i think PADI defines AOW to 60-130 feet? i think if you have over 30 dives and five dives to 100-120 feet you can make a credible argument that you are AOW equivalent...

but i don't think that's what they mean. i think they mean a similar card from another agency.
I don't look at a C-Card as hard as I do a log book.
Just my 2 cents. Am I qualified? I recon so. I had a good dive instructor. I mastered the basic skills. That being said, I will not do a dive unless I feel reasonably confident that I will not become a statistic. Really the initial call on if I am experienced or not to do the dive is based upon a personal assessment. Yes, I park my ego when it comes to my safety and the safety of the guys or gals that come to my assistance. I DO ask the dive master in charge of the trip what he or she thinks based upon a discussion over my log book.
I received my PADI Basic OW certification two years ago. I am not anxious to go out and collect cert cards just to say I have this cert and that cert. For instance, I could go out and get my advanced OW cert card right now, but I personally would not consider myself an advanced diver just because I attended a course and took a test or demonstrated knowledge to my instructor. Personally, I will get my Advanced cert when I feel comfortable that I can consistantly demonstrate the basics in all conditions, such as currents, limited viz, etc etc.
If you or any other dive operator or dive buddy wish to review my dive log, I'd be more than happy to let you review and ask questions. I sure do ask the same questions when I dive with a new buddy.
As far as equilavency for AOW, I refer to my above discussion. Besides, I feel that you as an operator of a shop and assuming liability to your insurance under-writers, I don't have a problem if you insist that only AOW certified divers are allowed on a trip. It is your call. Again, I will not get my AOW cert until I feel that I am an advanced diver.
AOW requirements are pretty meager by most certification agencies. I log adamantly for the specific purpose of having a written history on the type of dives I've accomplished throughout my diving history.

*shrugs* I've got my AOW qualifications and classes out the way, never bothered to pick up the card though... Same goes for my Rescue Card - LOL. The only two cards I've got are my OW and my Nitrox cards.
I agree with your remarks ref maintaining a written dive log. Having your buddy sign your log is also a good thing to do as well.
AOW still doesn't "qualify" you for more than 60' AOW only says you have done 5 Adventure dives. to "qualify" for 60-130 feet, you must complete the Deep Diver specialty. At least that is the way I understand it. There is more to learn and train on and 3 more Deep dives with tasks to complete before you gain the "Deep Diver" qual/cert.
It's so hard to tell sometimes.
I've had students more qualified then some of the divers who make claims of qualifications. Things I look for in a dive log is who, what, when, and where. I check out the divers gear. Brand new gear and very outdated gear put up red flags (although both can easily be misread if not careful). If I'm taking divers to a challenging dive, I like to spend some time just talking to them. Educating them on the profile.
If I get a weird vibe from the diver, I'll explore the issue further.

You are responsible for yourself when you dive. I would ask yourself if "it" hit the fan, are you making a dive you feel comfortable enough for self rescue (you should have a buddy, but should doesn't always work out the way "should" should). If you answer yes, then your probably fine to do the dive and your confidence should be apparant to most shops.

I'm my opinion, dive ops want to see your c-cards to help protect them from liability. There are many added benifits in actually getting your AOW, Rescue, or DM certification. Find a good Instructor, and you'll see exactly what I mean.
I interpret your question as; if we need to convince an operator we are qualified, what do we do? I get the feeling as an operator you think you have AOW level dives that might be ok for someone without an AOW cert.

I’m not in your area and answering as if going to be.

I guess I’d have to get it together and transcribe all the little notes onto my pc log and print it out. At least get it onto a media that can be viewed by you.

I’d ask the senior type divers that know me such as LDS (having contact #’s to verify) to make an opinion in writing of my skills or qualifications that deviate from certifications.

I would hope that in discussing the dives I’m interested in, the conversation would lead you to agree with my judgment I’m qualified.
I would hope that in discussing the dives I’m interested in, the conversation would lead you to agree with my judgment I’m qualified.

I can see how talking to a Diver can be misleading.
I have had in some cases MUCH better OW Divers than some AOW.

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