Also from Toronto but have a personal annecdote for you. As a child I had 'tubes' in my ears and through readings I am convinced that this has left micro-perforations in my ear drums.
I blew an ear drum without trying too hard in a 10 foot pool during o/w courses (was blowing bubbles out of my ear, freaked the instructor out - picture a student giving you the 'something is not okay' sign, pointing to ear then a staring at trail of bubbles... priceless expressions aren`t hidden by a scuba mask). After a 4 week hiatus, went to Portobello, Panama to do the checkout dives and had no issues. I got great advice from the instructor down there which I apply to this day (mainly starting to equalize on land, different techniques, regarding frequency of eq and how to address when it isn`t working).
Was just in Coz at beginning of 2011, did a bunch of diving including one special day where I swear I was breathing from a tank more than the open air and was able to do AOW with no real issues. Just did Rescue two weekends ago, and recently purchased a drysuit... I am hooked!
Have not tried the alcohol/peroxide/vinegar solutions but may have to give it a whirl.
Being from the Great White North we play on snowmobiles as well, and dirtbikes... we have fun on terra firma but there is nothing quite like diving... give it another chance before kissing a few hundred hard earned bucks goodbye - furthermore, the value will not drop any more if you say 2 dives vs. 1.