JC Fedorczyk
Putting together plans for a trip to cozumel end of december. This will be the first time there. In your opinions would it be money better spent if the girlfriend and I went the all inclusive route to cover the cost of food and drink or would it be cheaper in the long run to just hit different restaurants each time we want to eat?
If we go the all inclusive route it would probably be Fiesta Americana. If we go the eat where ever route we would probably stay at Villa Blanca or El Cid Cieba.
Is it expensive to eat and drink in cozumel? My girlfriend swears it would be expensive for us to eat out everytime and to drink at the bars but I've been reading posts that seem to say differently. Any idea on average how much we would spend for an 8 day 7 night trip down there? Fiesta Americana would be 30-45$ per day for the all inclusive portion.
If we go the all inclusive route it would probably be Fiesta Americana. If we go the eat where ever route we would probably stay at Villa Blanca or El Cid Cieba.
Is it expensive to eat and drink in cozumel? My girlfriend swears it would be expensive for us to eat out everytime and to drink at the bars but I've been reading posts that seem to say differently. Any idea on average how much we would spend for an 8 day 7 night trip down there? Fiesta Americana would be 30-45$ per day for the all inclusive portion.