Apparently DAN didn't appreciate the cover of Skin Diver either. Here's their response....
An Open Letter to Alert Diver Readers Regarding Skin Diver Magazine
Dear All Alert Diver Readers:
Thank you very much for your recent communication concerning Skin Diver magazine. We were also, as were many of our members, taken completely by surprise by the type of cover and content of the February 2002 issue of Skin Diver. As you may remember from the January 2001 Alert Diver editorial announcing the agreement between Skin Diver and DAN, Skin Diver was to provide a subscription to their magazine to each of our members, but neither party (DAN nor Skin Diver) had any editorial control over the material in each other's magazine. However, we too found the cover to be in very bad taste and decided this cannot be allowed to continue.
We therefore immediately contacted the publisher of Skin Diver expressing, in the strongest terms, our concern. We explained that the cover and content were totally inappropriate. The publisher of Skin Diver assured us that this was not a new direction Skin Diver was taking and that it was simply an attempt to compete with other magazines on the newsstand.
We expressed to the publisher that what Skin Diver does on the newsstand may be their business, but when their magazine goes to our members, it is our business too. As a result, they have now agreed to allow DAN to review the cover and content of the Alert Diver edition of Skin Diver. Should there be any concern, the cover will be replaced and the offending material will be removed before publication.
We apologize for the problems this has created, but we assure you that Skin Diver now understands that we will not tolerate material going to our members that is in such poor taste.
Thank you again for your much appreciated comments.
Peter B. Bennett, Ph.D., D.Sc.
President / CEO
Divers Alert Network
Dan Orr
Executive Vice President / COO
Divers Alert Network
DAN's article
An Open Letter to Alert Diver Readers Regarding Skin Diver Magazine
Dear All Alert Diver Readers:
Thank you very much for your recent communication concerning Skin Diver magazine. We were also, as were many of our members, taken completely by surprise by the type of cover and content of the February 2002 issue of Skin Diver. As you may remember from the January 2001 Alert Diver editorial announcing the agreement between Skin Diver and DAN, Skin Diver was to provide a subscription to their magazine to each of our members, but neither party (DAN nor Skin Diver) had any editorial control over the material in each other's magazine. However, we too found the cover to be in very bad taste and decided this cannot be allowed to continue.
We therefore immediately contacted the publisher of Skin Diver expressing, in the strongest terms, our concern. We explained that the cover and content were totally inappropriate. The publisher of Skin Diver assured us that this was not a new direction Skin Diver was taking and that it was simply an attempt to compete with other magazines on the newsstand.
We expressed to the publisher that what Skin Diver does on the newsstand may be their business, but when their magazine goes to our members, it is our business too. As a result, they have now agreed to allow DAN to review the cover and content of the Alert Diver edition of Skin Diver. Should there be any concern, the cover will be replaced and the offending material will be removed before publication.
We apologize for the problems this has created, but we assure you that Skin Diver now understands that we will not tolerate material going to our members that is in such poor taste.
Thank you again for your much appreciated comments.
Peter B. Bennett, Ph.D., D.Sc.
President / CEO
Divers Alert Network
Dan Orr
Executive Vice President / COO
Divers Alert Network
DAN's article