For this trip to Cozumel, I decided to change it up and dive with Aldora. Between their stellar reputation here on SB and their 120cf tanks, it seemed like an obvious choice. After a few days with them, all I can say is: why did I ever dive with anyone else!
Fast boats: I've never dove off a panga in Cozumel. To leave the dock at 7:30 and be home by 1pm was revolutionary. Even having to wait for late divers one day, and for a no-call no-show another day (thanks), it makes for a wonderfully expedient day.
Big tanks: The shortest dive was 75 minutes. I was used to 40 or maybe 50 minutes with the 'other guys'. This was a big deal for me. Aldora costs a tiny bit more, but you're getting 3 dives of bottom time in 2 dives. Fantastic.
Logical planning: I had not requested nitrox, and dove air the first day. Apparently the group I was with for the next two days had requested it, so they gave me nitrox as well. This might tick off some (I was billed for it), but to me, it was good thinking to keep the group on the same page and I was happy to pay for it. Now having a better understanding of the profiles Aldora dives I will likely dive nitrox in the future with them.
Customer service/accommodation: They go way beyond the minimum to satisfy customers. One of the other divers on our boat one day had requested a pony bottle rental, and they forgot to load it on the boat. He was kind of a turd about it, but they radioed back to base and the pony was at Palancar Beach for us to pick up for the second dive,
Grouping by skill: I really appreciated how they try to group divers by experience level. It makes for a good and relaxed day when no one is way ahead or way behind of the average on the boat.
Speaking of Palancar Beach for the surface interval. At first I was not impressed. The food is expensive and very mediocre. However, once I realized you don't actually have to order anything, or just a soda, I was happy with it. Getting off the boat and sitting in the shade was nice. It's also a nice opportunity to get to know your fellow divers. I ended up becoming good friends with my 'insta-buddy' Glynn and had a great time diving with him.
So, who am I diving with next time? Aldora.