Can you speak more about doing technical diving with Aldora? I did not realize they did that. The guy I used to use is long gone, and I'd like a new option for next time.
I've done tech diving with Julio (who is in Bali now...), and Memo. I believe there are at least a couple other staff that do tech. However, even if the group as a whole isn't doing tech, it's never been a problem if I chose to do a little 'tech lite' on one of the trips. By that I mean if there are 6 on the boat, and two of us have planned to go a bit deeper than rec limits, for example, nobody gets real tense.
I'm not of the tech caliber myself. I know DM Sharif is into the tech stuff, Memo too. Call the shop. I know certain gases ( besides the normal EAN) used to be pricey and hard to get. Alternate gasses may be cheaper now but I will not speculate.Slinging a tank on the big boy boat is not an issue at all. Jeffro does it all the time. Never a problem.
I've never done anything super extreme on Cozumel, but it's never been a problem getting a bottle of 50% or 80% for deco.
Good luck with the chemo Dirty-Dog. I'm 17 years out from a stem cell transplant for Leukemia (AML M5). It doesn't get everyone. I'm living proof. Think positive!!!!
Thanks. I have already outlived a different (and incurable) cancer - 5 year survival is 50%, and I'm 7 years post-diagnosis. And this type (metastatic squamous cell) is eminently curable (like, 95%). But since I'll have a radical neck dissection followed by 6 weeks of cisplatin and radiation, I expect recovery to take a while. Diving, I think, will be very therapeutic.