DOXA:As a DIR fundi I want to take the next step, but I can't make up my mind: Tech 1 or Cave 1.
Cave 1 is very interesting but where I dive (the Netherlands) there are no caves and always cave diving during my holidays is no option (if I want to stay married).
Tech 1 might pose a problem too. The water around here is not that deep, usually around 30 metres. At that depth there is a lot of sand and nothing more. However, once in a while I dive the North Sea and at 30 metres there are wrecks arond. So I can practise these skills.
Does anybody know a solution?
Having lived in NL, I know what you mean.... depending on what type of diving you will do most, my suggestion would be to go with the training that fits that most. Both Cave and Tech have their place and benefits relative to the environment you would dive most.
I personally would go with Tech 1 in NL first and possibly cave later (for the opportunities where the attraction of a hole in the wall/ground is bigger than the risk of marriage

I went the other way now living in FL.......... so take it as it comes and invest time and money wisely