Advanced Open Water

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Wait just a minute! I thought the amount of PADI bashing you do is directly related to your skill as a diver!

Much more closely related to your intellectual maturity. Bashing PADI is a waste of time.

Do I feel that PADI could have tighter standards? You betcha! More so I believe if instructors REALLY followed the standards and not strive to just meet the standards for liability reasons all of us would be better off.

Do I feel if people spent as much time becoming great instructors as they do bashing PADI that the difference would be self apparent and there would be no need to bash PADI? You betcha!
I think NAUI allowes 130ft as the maximum depth for AOW.

I have no interest to go into deco right now, both because of my SAC rate and I still don't feel that I've maxed out my NDL to require me to go in deco.

I DO see deco diving in my future, right now, I rather have fun than long deco stops, I think it will change in the future as I will be more prepared mentally for the magic below.

I already dive nitrox so I'll probably do all my dives (except for deep) with Nitrox.

Oh, and please, no bashing anybody for their agency, its well beyond immature.
LOL! That's funny.

So my implication that PADI is not the only dive agency around, and my factual statement that I do not wish to pursue further PADI courses, now amounts to bashing PADI? Who is the one protecting something here?

I certified OW with PADI. From my experience, that was enough. I've done IANTD, NACD upcoming, and NAUI/IANTD upcoming. We'll see what they have to offer.

I wonder who is being bashed with your statement?

BTW, the comments about doing 6 or 8 specialties combined was a JOKE. Each agency lists the minimum dives required to fullfill their standards. Since I am currently surveying AOW courses to see which I wanted to attend, I just thought I'd toss that out. Sad to see it deteriorate this way.


Ignore him Bob, he drank the cool aid and wants the world to know how much he knows and is trying to prove it by bashing PADI.

He hasn't proved much to me in any of his postings....


I already dive nitrox so I'll probably do all my dives (except for deep) with Nitrox.

Why no nitrox for the deep dive? Even if you go conservative with a PPO2 of 1.4 or less due to the stress of your first deep dive you can raise the PO2 to 28% and elevate your EAD (or your END as you prefer). Personally, I'd dive 32% on a dive with a planned depth of 130, any dive within NDLs isn't going to push the clock that hard. 1.6 for < 10 mins IMHO is worth it for the EAD of 100 FSW and resulting decrease in narcosis effects.

If you dive it on air tables/computer you'll be quite close to or exceeding the NDL and maybe get a chance to walk your computer out of deco in a simulated deco scenario. In reality if you dive a Navy air table with that EAD you're talking about a 20 min NDL at 130. A training dive won't approach those limits I'd bet.

But if you just wanna get blatto under instructor supervision, by all means dive air. Don't expect to recall the details though, :D
One Dive, One Skill. Choose wisely young Jedi's for the future is yours…
These Skills in AOW have to be supervised by an Instructor.
1. Deep (within recreational dive limits) most likely the instructor (if he is worth his salt) will keep the skill between 90’ and 110’ feet.
2. Night dive- My personal favorite time to dive.
3. Navigation dive – DM can assist.

Some of the other speciallity skills may need an Inst. or Divemaster, but most are dives that you and a buddy can enjoy on your own… Photo, Video, Naturalist etc… For heavens sake… you are a certified diver now! Enjoy your dives!

Most important items to remember… BREATH, RELAX , ENJOY!

I think its because he wants us to get narc'ed... :D

That's acceptable, no better place to do it than under supervision. Just concentrate on the tasks at hand (breathing, checking guages, etc) while executing the drills and it'll be fun.
I think its because he wants us to get narc'ed... :D
You can get just as narc'ed on EANx as you can on air ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
1. narcosis -- (unconsciousness induced by narcotics or anesthesia)
2. nitrogen narcosis -- (confused or stuporous state caused by high levels of dissolved nitrogen in the blood; "deep-sea divers can suffer nitrogen narcosis from breathing air under high pressure")

Depressed mental state from high nitrogen pressure; usually does not begin to manifest on compressed air until below 25m. The narcotic effect nitrogen has at increased pressure. A condition suffered by fish when taken suddenly from deep water to the surface, causing expanding gases by rapid decompression.

Nitrogen narcosis or inert gas narcosis is a reversible alteration in consciousness producing a state similar to alcohol intoxication in SCUBA divers at depths beyond 30m. (Technically, it occurs at any depth, but in most cases doesn't become noticeable until deeper depths. A good analogy is one with alcohol... the effect of one martini per 10m) Jacques Cousteau famously described it as the "rapture of the deep". Its precise mechanism is not well understood, but it appears to be a direct effect of high nitrogen pressure on nerve transmission. While it was first observed with nitrogen (in air), other gases including argon and hydrogen also cause very similar effects under high enough pressure. Xenon is actually a usable anesthetic at atmospheric pressure, though it is too expensive to be used in practice.
The onset is hard to recognize, its severity is unpredictable, and it can kill, from its own toxic effect or due to the resulting illogical behavior. However the cure for nitrogen narcosis is a simple one, as effects disappear upon ascending to shallower waters.
I'm scheduled for AOW dives/course soon, my Instructor likes to keep me in the dark but the curious person in me is asking for more information.

i just find it odd that your instructor is keeping you in the dark. surely he should be answering any questions you have regarding the course.

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