tursiops, Thanks. I will definitely look into finding the updated procedures online.
Wookie, I guess taking the course every 2 years for muscle memory makes sense to a point. It doesn't seem like you'd forget exactly how to CPR a dummy, but re-taking the course could make sense I guess. Couldn't hurt.
I probably let my frustration with the 4 courses I took cloud my view.
Only in one of the 4 (not EFR) did he have us do anything at all with bandaging. Maybe I just happened to take 4 slack courses.
I have asked this before and can't recall the replies--
Where do they get the data that would cause changes to CPR? Ie., rescue breaths or not, compressions before breaths or after, 30:2 or 15"2, etc.? My only experience ever seeing CPR done has been on TV shows. It usually shows the paramedics showing up and immediately taking over of course. They may ask the first responder questions like "what happened"? Does he have a pulse? How long have you been doing CPR"? Is there any follow up on exactly what procedure was used? If not, where does the data for making changes come from. If yes, why weren't these changes figured out decades before--or at least maybe in the 90s, a decade after computers were used to store data?