Thank you for the info Sabbath, that was very informative. I am not an attorney, I am also not a direct friend of Ben's. I simply know people who are close to his parents and I feel tremendously sorry for the their utter loss. I originally started reading this thread for more information. A few people, and I truly mean just a few people, commented in ways that were well beyond informative information on the incident and were moreover only attacks on a man they do not know. If I, who was not his friend can see an attack, then how much more will his friends and family feel that attack personally? It is not necessary. To speak of the dead in such a way is neither constructive nor informative, and while this cant be controlled it can certainly be defended. Their is a difference in discussing the wrong of what he did and attacking his personality.
so what is your real purpose here?
He's not even a friend of yours, much less family....
have you thought about the posts you've made and the responses it's generated and what effect that might have on family members reading?

This is beginning to smell of a Troll.