mardigrastexan:Thanks everyone for the info. I should have gone to the DUI Dog Day when they were in Texas, that way I could have tried a drysuit first hand,then tried the wetsuit. I'll just have to get the local LDS to come through with a loaner of both,if they have the desire to sell one. Thanks again.
I've dove a shell style suit when water temps were in the low 50's and just about froze because I didnt have the proper undergarments. I've also dove a 7mm wetsuit in high 40 degree water and been perfectly happy.
Being comfortable is more than just wet/dry its having the proper wet/dry suit for what you're doing.
If you do get a loaner dry suit, bear in mind there is a definite learning curve involved, so try to allow yourself at least 4 dives to start getting comfortable with it.
When I first got my drysuit, I hated it. Now, I won't hardly dive without it.