A twisted sense of fun: Wreck workshop class report

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TS&M.... did taking this course (and the cost of helium ect) make you start thinking about a rebreather??? yet
Sounds like fun!!!!
Read these threads Lynne (how AG runs his Wreck Penetration Course):
Video from AG's Course above:
http://saue.org/movies/files/LongPenetration2.mov (61MB --best to first Right Click and "Save Target as. . .", --then go ahead & open/run it. . .)

And this is the Wreck Course I'm traveling to Subic Bay Philippines for in two weeks:
wow...you are moving right along, you speed demon.

We have some very nice wrecks here you know......

Wrecks are haunting and very seductive. I like penetrating them, and when I

do...I cannot stop thinking about it. I get scared....


wish you and Peter, Kevrumbo, JeffG..do it easy, could all come here for a little wreck "extravaganza"...oh they are only 100-120, but that's my limit!

Stay inspired!

They are so beautiful and the lighting is divine...like a chapel.

Mysterious and daunting.

Maybe when you visit?...for extra credit?


Kev, I thought you were coming to do the no mask drill in the fish holds of the Sea Tiger?

I went down there and wanted out after three minutes.

Thanks TS&M .. always great to read what you have on your mind and what your doing next
It sounds really hard, very demanding ... and fun :)
Those pictures are beautiful, Catherine, as your pictures always are.

It would be great fun to dive on the wrecks -- I'll bring my reel!
I would love to dive Hawaiis wrecks.
Ya'll come..I will trade education for boat ride.

Lynne...you are always devouring knowledge....how much RAM do you have?
Not much any more . . . Everything new I learn results in me jettisoning something old. I'd better retire before all my medical knowledge is replaced by diving information :)
Well, I reread Jason's report of AG's wreck class, and the biggest contrast with ours was that, although our guys talked us through various failure and OOA scenarios, we didn't have to cope with them underwater. This was precisely what I wanted -- An opportunity to learn to run line and get an introduction into more demanding team situations, without being pushed to the failure point at every turn. I know from my medical training that you can learn very rapidly that way, but it isn't fun, and it can be very hard on morale. The workshop we did was much gentler, in the sense that they only threw at us what they thought we could muddle through, and it was always a little more than we could pull off nicely, but not enough to leave us with a feeling of despondency or hopelessness. I liked it. I thought it was paced perfectly, and was the "baby step" that I had hoped it would be.

The biggest lesson they wanted us to get out of this was that far more preparation would be necessary before we considered penetrating anything but a swimthrough, and the exercises certainly got that across without anybody having to say anything to that effect at all.

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